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並列篇名 | Parental Involvement in Preschool Education: Reality and Ideals |
作者 | 林俊瑩、楊長杰 |
中文摘要 | 家長參與的範圍廣大,形式多元,對幼兒、家庭與學校可發揮之效用不少,重要性無庸置疑。然而,在家長參與過程中卻也常面臨多種挑戰與阻力。同時,也會因為不對等的參與環境,而削弱或強化某些特殊身分家長參與機會,似有「得失共伴,利弊相隨」之現象。因此,本研究聚焦於探討家長參與在幼兒教育中的實然及應然,並訪談三位幼兒園主管、四位教保服務人員及五位幼兒家長等多方利害關係人,對此重要議題進行深切理解與剖析,進而提出相關建議。研究結果顯示,家長參與的確會為幼兒、家長與幼兒園三方帶來正面效用;不過,也會因為參與環境不夠友善、過程的不和諧及不對等關係,而使參與效果打了折扣。 |
英文摘要 | Parental involvement in their children’s education has garnered significant attention over time. The scope and diversity of parental involvement are vast while offering numerous benefits to young children, families, and schools, making its importance undeniable. However, parental involvement often involves various challenges and obstacles. An unequal participatory environment can either weaken or intensify the inequity of opportunities for parents of varying backgrounds. This gives rise to a phenomenon akin to “gains and losses coexist, advantages and disadvantages intertwine.” This study explored the reality and ideal of parental involvement in early childhood education. Through in-depth interviews with three preschool administrators, four educators, and five parents, we gain a profound understanding and analysis of this crucial issue and provide recommendations. The findings indicate that parental involvement in preschools positively affects children, parents, and preschools. However, the positive effects can be diminished by unfriendly or unequal participatory environments and disharmonious or unequal relationships during the process. |
起訖頁 | 047-064 |
關鍵詞 | 幼兒園、家長參與、訪談、實然與應然、in-depth interviews、parental involvement、preschool、reality and ideals |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202501 (369期) |
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| 校長領導和家長參與:以一位國小校長經營家長志工團為例 |
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| 家長參與學校教育:學生經驗分析 |