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並列篇名 | Principal Leadership and Parent Involvement: A Case Study of An Elementary School Principal Leading a Parent Volunteer Group |
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中文摘要 | 本文描繪一位國小校長如何在學校團隊合作下,透過領導行為實踐,經營學校家長志工團,以協助家長志工團達成:一、從庶務性的參與,到課程與教學相關的協助;以及二、從被動協助到主動負責部分工作的轉變。本文運用訪談學校校長、行政人員、教師與家長組織幹部等合計八位訪談參與者的資料進行分析,發現個案國小校長經營家長志工團的領導理念與作為包括:一、在理念上重視且認真投入經營,體現出尊重並認同家長志工是校內的一分子;二、在作為上強調真誠地溝通互動、增強鼓勵;三、規劃設計,共同完成任務;四、信任、給予信心,賦予責任、肯定能力;五、協助成長學習。個案國小校長的領導協助學校家長志工團從被動協助到主動負責,並從學校庶務性工作的參與再擴展到學校課程與教學及學生學習的相關協助。 |
英文摘要 | This paper describes how an elementary school principal manages the school parent volunteer group through leadership behavior practice under school staff cooperation to help the parent volunteer group achieve the transformation from general participation to curriculum and teaching-related assistance and from passive assistance to active participation for part of the work. The data of 8 interview participants, including the school principal, school administrators, teachers and parent organization leaders, were used for analysis. The study found that the leadership ideas and actions of the case elementary school principal in leading the parent volunteer group include: 1. attaching importance to the concept and devote himself to the management, which reflects the respect and recognition of the parent volunteer group as part of the school; in terms of actions, the principal emphasizes; 2. sincere communication and interaction, encouragement and reinforcement; 3. planning and completing tasks together; 4. giving trust, confidence, assigning responsibility, and affirming capabilities; and 5. assisting in growth and learning. The leadership of the principal assists the parent volunteer group change from passive assistance to active participation, and from participation in school general affairs to related assistance in school curriculum, teaching and student learning. |
起訖頁 | 034-046 |
關鍵詞 | 個案研究、家長志工團、家長參與、校長領導、case study、parent volunteer group、parent involvement、principal leadership |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202501 (369期) |
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