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並列篇名 | Action Research on Construction of Argumentation Based Inquiry Model Developing in Social Studies for Elementary Schools |
作者 | 洪麗卿、潘香汝 |
中文摘要 | 論證式探究為一種高階思考,有助於社會議題之概念理解、批判思考和推理學習。本研究旨在建構適用於國小社會領域之論證式探究模式,以供探究課程設計與實施之參考。本研究以北部一所國小的六年級班級為研究對象進行行動研究,實施時間為期一年。課程設計結合爭議性議題來進行探究學習,藉由參與觀察、文件分析及晤談方法蒐集資料,並經過計畫、行動、觀察和反思二次循環歷程來修正和發展模式。研究發現如下:一、教學初期階段,擷選證據、論理至主張之論證元素能促進學生學習如何論證;二、以論點/反論點為鷹架策略能權衡爭議性議題之辯證思考;三、社會領域論證式探究結合概念構圖與論證構圖策略,可具現化思考歷程和促進學生推理學習的發展。 |
英文摘要 | Argumentation-based inquiry is a form of higher-order thinking that fosters conceptual understanding, critical thinking, and reasoning on social issues. This study aimed to construct an argumentation-based inquiry model in social studies for elementary schools. The study applied the argumentation-based inquiry model to investigate controversial issues in a sixth-grade social studies class in northern Taiwan over the course of one year through action research. There were four stages — plan, act, observe, and reflect in the cyclical action research twice to develop and modify the model. Multiple methods of data collection including document analysis, participant observation, and interview methods were applied. The findings of this study are as follows: (1) In the initial phase, teaching essential parts of argument as the claim, evidence, and reasoning would facilitate students to learn the argumentation. (2) Arguments/counterarguments would be adopted as scaffolding strategies for dialectical thinking of the controversial issues. (3) Combining the argumentation-based inquiry model with concept mapping and argument mapping strategies helped students enhance their clarity of thought and sharpen their reasoning skills. These findings pose implications for the development of argumentation based inquiry curriculum design in social studies for elementary schools. |
起訖頁 | 031-052 |
關鍵詞 | 爭議性議題、社會領域、探究取向、論證式探究、controversial issues、social studies、inquiry-oriented、argumentation-based inquiry |
刊名 | 課程研究 |
期數 | 202309 (18:2期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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| 從教科書開展素養:小學社會領域教師的課程潛力 |
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| 以循環探索的深度學習來提升教師課程設計的潛力與實踐 |