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並列篇名 | Developing Competences Based on Textbook: The Curriculum Potential of Social Studies Teachers in Elementary School |
作者 | 周淑卿、王郁雯、陳姿佑 |
中文摘要 | 十二年國民基本教育課程倡導素養導向教學,但是,目前仍有許多教師相當依賴教科書,習慣逐頁講授教科書內容。然而,在一些優秀的教案中卻可以見到教師超越教科書,進行創新教學設計,展現教師的課程潛力。本研究聚焦於小學社會領域這個常被學生視為以背誦為主的領域,以得獎教案和所對應的教科書為對象,進行文本分析,探討教師如何擴展教科書內容,以進行素養導向教學設計。研究發現,教師所設定的學習目標更重視概念知識和過程技能。其次,教學活動的設計具有三項特點:一、以學生的生活情境替換教科書素材,協助建立實際經驗;二、設計探究學習歷程,引導建構教科書中的概念;三、安排任務讓學生應用知識與能力。基於研究結果,研究者提出對社會領域教師的三個建議,以發揮其課程潛力。 |
英文摘要 | The 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guideline advocates competence-based teaching, but there are still many teachers who rely heavily on textbooks and are used to the pages-covering teaching model. However, in some of excellent teaching plans, teachers design innovative teaching activities beyond the textbooks, and demonstrate their curriculum potential. This article focuses on the elementary school social studies, which is often regarded by students as the subject studied mainly by reciting. The researchers take the award-winning teaching plans and the corresponding textbook content as objects, conduct the text analysis, and discuss how teachers can expand the content of textbooks to design competence-based teaching activities. The researchers found that compared with textbooks, the learning goals set by teachers have more emphasis on conceptual knowledge and procedure skills. Secondly, their teaching plans has three characteristics: 1. To replace textbook materials with students’ life situations to help build practical experience. 2. To design the inquiry process and guide to construct the concepts in textbooks. 3. To arrange learning tasks for students to apply their knowledge and skills. Based on the findings, the researchers offer three recommendations for social studies teachers to realize their curriculum potential. |
起訖頁 | 001-029 |
關鍵詞 | 社會領域、素養導向教學、課程潛力、social studies、competence-based instruction、curriculum potential |
刊名 | 課程研究 |
期數 | 202309 (18:2期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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