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並列篇名 | Effects of Mother’s Rearing Style on Migrant Children’s Self-concept: The Mediating Role of Social Desire |
作者 | 周正、韓悅 |
中文摘要 | 采用父母养育方式评价量表(EMBU)、Pers-Harries儿童自我意识量表、儿童社会期望量表(CSD)对 1 426名初中生进行问卷调查,,以探讨母亲养育方式对流动儿童自我意识的影响机制。结果表明:流动儿童在母亲情感温暖理解和过分干涉保护上得分低于本地儿童,在母亲拒绝否认和严厉惩罚上得分高于本地儿童;母亲情感温暖理解与流动儿童的社会期望、自我意识存在显著的正相关;母亲拒绝否认和严厉惩罚与流动儿童的社会期望、自我意识存在显著的负相关;社会期望在母亲养育方式和流动儿童自我意识之间起部分中介作用。据此,母亲应当给予流动儿童更多的温暖理解和赞许鼓励,使其体会到来自母亲的积极期望,产生较强烈的被认可的需要,进而提高流动儿童的自我意识水平。 |
英文摘要 | This study, by using EMBU-Chinese version, Children’s Social Desirable Scale (CSD) and Piers-Harries Children’s Self-concept Scale, surveyed 1426 middle school students to explore the effects of different types of mother’s rearing style on migrant children’s sel--concept. The results are as follows: (1) The migrant children have lower scores than local children on “mother’s emotional warmth and understanding” and “excessive interference and protection”, while higher scores on “nother’s refusal, deny and severe punishment” ; (2) mother’s emotionalwarmth and understanding has a signiiicant positive correlation with migrant children’s social desire and self-concept; (3) mother’s refusal, denial and severe punishment has a signiticant negative correlation with migrant children’s social desire and self-concept; and (4) social desire isa mediating factor between mother'parenting style and migrant children'sel--concept. Based on the results, mothers should give more warm understanding as well as approval and encourage- ment to migrant children, making them experience positive maternal expectation and generate strong need for recognition and thus improve their sel--concept level. |
起訖頁 | 075-079 |
關鍵詞 | 流动儿童、母亲养育方式、自我意识、社会期望、migrant children、mother' rearing style、sel-concept、social desire |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 201802 (14:1期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
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