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並列篇名 | How does Parental Involvement Affect the Cognitive Ability of Migrant Children: An Empirical Study Based on CEPS Database |
作者 | 梁文豔、葉曉梅、李濤 |
中文摘要 | 在社会资本理论的框架下,采用中国教育追踪调查(CEPS)基线数据考察父母参与对流动儿童认知能力的影响,识别对流动儿童认知能力具有持续影响的父母参与行为,评价当前家校合作活动对父母参与行为的影响。结果发现:(1)父母向子女投入时间和精力构建闭合的代际关系,是提升流动儿童认知能力的一种重要社会资本,尽管这种积极效应更多体现在对文化素质要求不高的参与行为上。(2)和孩子交流学校发生的事情、陪孩子参观博物馆、积极参加家长会、主动联系老师这四项父母参与行为对认知能力的影响通过儿童自我教育期望来实现。根据自我决定理论,这些行为的影响具有持续性。(3)学校提供的家校合作活动整体上并没有很好地促进父母参与,仅教师主动联系家长这项活动对所有的父母参与行为均表现出显著的提升作用。相关部门应重视对当前学校所开展家校合作活动的反思和优化,以促进和帮助流动儿童家长的参与。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigated the impact of parental involvement on migrant children?s cognitive ability,identitied parental involvement behaviors that have continuous effect and evaluated the impact of current home-school cooperation activities on parental involvement. We found that: (1) parents’ investing time and energy in their children to construct a closure inter-generation relationship was an important social capital to increase migrant children’s social cognitive ability, although such positive effect were from parental involvement behaviors that did not require high parental education level; (2) the effects of four types of parental involvement, specifically, discussing school events with children, accompanying children to museum, attending parents' meetings, and actively contacting children’s teacher, on children?s cogni- tive ability was mediated by children?s sel--education expectation. According to sel--determination theory, such four types of parental behavior should have lasting effect in the long term; and (3) the current home- school cooperation activities initiated by school ^most had proved ineffective in promoting parental involvement. Only teachers’ taking the initiative to contact parents increased all aspects of parental involvement behaviors. Our results suggest that school should reflect on and optimize the current home-school coopera-tton activities to improve the parental involvement of migrant children. |
起訖頁 | 080-094 |
關鍵詞 | 父母参与、流动儿童、认知能力、教育期望、社会资本、家校合作、parental involvement、migrant children、cognitive ability、education expectation、social capital、home-school cooperation |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 201802 (14:1期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
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