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並列篇名 | Dialectics as the Arts of Paideia |
作者 | 金生鈜 |
中文摘要 | 苏格拉底式的辩证法运用对话,共同探究真理,引导灵魂向真善美转向,把心灵中最好的部分———理性智慧引发出来。教育作为引导灵魂向善的根本方式,与辩证法对话的目的和方式相通。苏格拉底把辩证法的对话实践看作灵魂教育的艺术,是把心灵从意见、假象的泥沼中拉升起来的根本方法,是激发人对真善美的热爱的根本方式。教育的根本使命是关照灵魂、引导灵魂向善,只有通过苏格拉底式的辩证对话的方式,引发人性对美善的向往,教育才能培育灵魂的美善。辩证法的技艺是一切教育艺术的必要基础。 |
英文摘要 | Socrates applies dialectics in philosophical dialogues to explore truth, guide souls towards the Truth, Beauty and the Good, and elicit the best part of the soul—the rational wisdom . Education as the fundamental way to guide souls towards the Good is coincident with the aim and approach of the dialectical dialogues. Socrates construes the dialectics as the art of psycho-paideia which is the fundamental way to draw forth the mind and soul from the morasses of wrong believes and illusions and inspire people?s love of the Truth, Beauty and Good . The ultimate mission of education is to care for the good of soul and guide the soul to towards Good . Only through the dialectical dialogues can education arouse the human nature pursuing Beauty and Good, and can education cultivate the souls in good and beautiful form. Therefore, the art of dialectics underpins all the arts of education . |
起訖頁 | 013-020 |
關鍵詞 | 苏格拉底、辩证法、心灵教化、教育艺术、真理游戏、德性、Socrates、dialectics、Paideia、art of education、games of truth、virtues |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 201802 (14:1期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
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