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校長領導新境界:三軸‧ 三鑰
並列篇名 | A New Phase of Principal Leaderships: Three Main Aspects and Three Keys of Leadership of Education |
作者 | 鄭崇趁 |
中文摘要 | 王國維的「人生三境界」暨「工業4.0」,促成了「教育4.0」的討論與版本之建構。「教育4.0」的有效版本是:教育1.0「經驗化—私塾、書院時期的教育」,教育目標在「脫文盲、求功名」;教育2.0「知識化—公共教育普及化時期的教育」,教育目標在「知識人、社會人」;教育3.0「能力化—特色品牌學校時期的教育」,教育目標在「獨特人、永續人」;教育4.0「素養化—新五倫、智慧創客學校時期的教育」,教育目標在培育「智慧人、做創客」。「教育4.0」世代的校長領導也進升了新境界,成為「三軸三鑰」,即三條軸線與三把鑰匙。三條軸線是「知識價值領導」、「智慧創客領導」及「創新進升領導」;三把鑰匙是「新五倫價值教育」、「KTAV教學模式」及「主題式教育計畫」。KTAV教學模式開啟了知識價值領導的專業實踐,「新五倫價值教育」再結合KTAV教學,共同開啟了「智慧創客領導」的新境界,「主題教育計畫」的系統結構則開啟了「創新進升領導」的實務,領導教育邁向3.0暨4.0,經營學校教育進升為有特色品牌學校,然後再進升為新五倫‧智慧創客學校。校長領導依循三軸三鑰,可以實質進升教育的廣度、深度、高度及標準,稱之為校長領導新境界。 |
英文摘要 | According to Wang Guowei’s three phases of life and nowadays Industry 4.0, these facilitate the discussion of education 4.0. In this article, I try to illustrate that the education 4.0 went through the process from 1.0 to 4.0. Education 1.0 indicates the stage of private school which pursues the fame and honor; education 2.0 refers the stage of popularized of school or publicization education which cultivates societal and knowledgeable individual; education 3.0 means the stage of branding and characteristic school education which trains unique and sustainable individual. Then, I would like to introduce the education 4.0 as the stage of “new five ethic relationship- knowledge MAKER” school education which facilitates knowledgeable individuals and MAKERs. Education 4.0 also need to have new phase for school principal leadership, in this article, I purpose three main aspects and three keys for school principals. Three main aspects refer to leadership of knowledge and value, leadership of knowledge MAKER, and leadership of innovative acceleration; then, three keys are “new five ethic relationships value education”, “KTAV teaching pattern”, and “theme of educational plan”. The KTAV teaching pattern starts the professional practice of knowledge value education, and it copes with new five ethic relationships to explore new phase for the leadership of knowledge MAKER. Then, the systematic structure of the theme of educational plan helps to put the leadership of innovative acceleration on the ground. Thus, leadership of education moves from 3.0 to 4.0, which means from managing school to leading an unique school, then to new five ethic relationships- knowledge MAKER school. In sum, in this article, I suggest that these three main aspects and three keys of leadership of education could expand and deepen the levels, scales and standards as a new phase of principal leaderships. |
起訖頁 | 143-168 |
關鍵詞 | KTAV教學模式、校長領導、教育領導、新五倫‧ 智慧創客教育、KTAV teaching pattern、principal leadership、leadership of education、new five ethic relationships-knowledge MAKER education |
刊名 | 教育政策與管理 |
期數 | 201910 (4期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺北教育大學 |
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