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並列篇名 | The Inter-School Collaboration in England and Its Implication for the Remote Disadvantaged Schools in Taiwan |
作者 | 江淑真 |
中文摘要 | 在各國政府從事教育弱勢扶助的相關議題上,美、英兩國一直以來引領著世界潮流,其中尤以英國在扶助教育弱勢的相關措施常被國內仿效。根據其初期發現,英格蘭以透過校際合作治理的方式乃被證實為一成功且持續沿用的政策方案。有鑑於位處文化資源不利的弱勢學校更需透過校際協作以達資源整合的效益,再加上增進學生教育機會均等原為弱勢學校之基本道德責任。相信藉由檢視英格蘭所發展的校際合作及歷程,對於臺灣在弱勢扶助相關政策推行上,將會是邁向突破的一大契機。最後在認知不同的脈絡因素下,研究者乃提出對於臺灣偏遠弱勢學校的相關啟示與建議。 |
英文摘要 | In terms of the effort from every government on assisting the educational disadvantaged, both the US and the UK have been taken the lead globally, in particular the English strategies were often imitated by the Taiwan government. Based on their preliminary findings, the inter-school collaboration has been proven a successful and sustainable policy program. Given that the disadvantaged schools in areas deprived of culture and economy need the inter-school collaboration to benefit from the integration of resources, the way to promote educational equality is also the essential moral responsibility for these schools. By reviewing the inter-collaboration in England and the process, Taiwan will learn from its implementation and to achieve a breakthrough. Finally, with recognition of the varying contextual factors, the researcher provided applications and suggestions for the remote disadvantaged schools in Taiwan. |
起訖頁 | 083-109 |
關鍵詞 | 英格蘭、校際合作、偏遠弱勢學校、England、inter-school collaboration、remote disadvantaged schools |
刊名 | 教育行政研究 |
期數 | 201906 (9:1期) |
出版單位 | 中華民國教育行政學會 |
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