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並列篇名 | Primary Exploration into the Salary of Teachers of Public Elementary Schools in the United States (1867-1920) |
作者 | 彭煥勝 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討美國公立小學教師的薪資情況;男女性別教師是否在薪資上有所差異;教師薪資問題是否影響有志成為教師的動機與其教師專業素質問題。研究發現:一、男女教師薪資待遇不同,女教師薪資低於男教師,但女教師卻是公立小學教師的主要骨幹;二、公立小學教師男女平均薪資低於技術工人、公務員、一般工人;三、教師薪資低、物價漲幅高,造成教師流動率升高;四、隨著公共學校體系擴增發展,公立小學教師女性化趨勢顯著;五、雖然公立小學教師薪資低,但在師資培育機構與教師團體自立自強的策動下,某種程度上促進了教師專業化的發展。 |
英文摘要 | This paper discusses the salary of teachers of public elementary schools in the United States in terms of whether there is any salary difference between male and female teachers, and whether salary influences the motivation to be a teacher and the professional quality of teachers. This study presents the following findings: (1) Female teachers have lower salaries than their male counterparts, even though they are the backbone of the teaching force in public elementary schools. (2) The average salaries of both male and female teachers of public elementary schools are less than technicians, civil servants, and general workers. (3) Under price inflation, low salaries cause high turnover rates among teachers. (4) As public school systems expand, more and more female teachers are in public elementary schools, which is a clear trend. (5) Despite the low salaries, teachers develop professionally due to the effort of teacher education institutions and their own self-reliance. |
起訖頁 | 001-020 |
關鍵詞 | 男女性別差異、美國公立小學教師、教師專業發展、薪資、gender difference、teachers of elementary schools in the United States、professional development of teachers、salaries |
刊名 | 教育行政研究 |
期數 | 201906 (9:1期) |
出版單位 | 中華民國教育行政學會 |
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