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並列篇名 | The Development and Expertise of the University of California’s Institutional Offi ce in the U.S.: Insights on the Administration Plan of Institutional Research in Taiwan |
作者 | 謝紫菱 |
中文摘要 | 在全球化與教育績效責任的背景下,校務研究逐漸為世界各國政府與各大專校院所重視,而臺灣高等教育在面對大學擴張與少子化的挑戰之下,推動校務研究對各大專校院來說顯得更加重要,惟校務研究在臺灣仍屬新興領域,故本研究以美國校務研究發展為例,針對直屬加州大學系統總校長辦公室下的校務研究辦公室,透過對其工作內容進行整合與分析,期能對臺灣高等教育在發展校務研究的行政規劃上有所啟示。研究結果發現,校務研究辦公室的工作從基本的資料彙整,如學校財務、研究發展、人力資源以及學生學習等數據資料,到學校績效報告的撰寫與參與學校計畫和政策等,涵蓋領域相當廣泛,此種運作模式即是整合「資料」、「評鑑」及「計劃」三大向度,建立以「資料驅動」為導向的決策文化,最後本研究並就校務研究辦公室的定位與工作、校務研究人員需具備的能力,以及校務研究如何配合大學評鑑三方面,對臺灣高等教育未來在發展校務研究的行政規劃上提出建議。 |
英文摘要 | Because of the rise of globalization in higher education, there has been an increased demand for accountability and quality assurance amongst universities worldwide. Because of globalization and the request of accountability, higher education community faces challenges from market mechanism and quality assurance in every country. The expanding number of universities in Taiwan along with a decreasing birth rate make institutional research a key focal point in higher education. Therefore, this study reviews the development of institutional research in the United States and expertise under University of California’s Office of Institutional Research (IR). The mission of the IR office includes data-collection for such areas as accreditation preparation, finance, research and development, human resources, and student affairs. This study found that the ideal administration plan should integrate “institutional research,” “accreditation,” and “planning” and builda culture of data-drivenbased decision making process. Lastly, this study provided suggestions for the administration to establish institutional research in Taiwan’s higher education community based upon three primary elements: the mission of the institutional office, the requirements of office staff, and the accreditation and evaluation in institutional research. |
起訖頁 | 001-033 |
關鍵詞 | 加州大學、行政規劃、高等教育、校務研究、University of California、administration plan、higher education、institutional research |
刊名 | 中正教育研究 |
期數 | 201706 (16:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立中正大學教育學院 |
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