十二年國教的策進與展望:校本管理的思維與策略 The Future Progress Strategies and Prospects of 12-Years of Basic Education: Thinking and Strategies Through School-Based Management
十二年國教實施後高級中等教育變革評析 The Criticism of Change of Senior Secondary Education After the Implementation of 12-Year Basic Education
邁向十二年國民基本教育2.0的重要課題 Towards the Important Issues of the 12-Year Basic Education 2.0
再檢視十二年國民基本教育政策:基於教育政策合法化的觀點 Revisiting the 12-Year Basic Education Policy: A Perspective on the Legalization of Educational Policies
析論十二年國教政策中實施高中優質化之成效、困境與因應策略 An Analysis of the Effectiveness, Dilemma and Coping Strategies of Implementing High School Quality Plan in the 12-Year Basic Education Policy
高中行政與教師推動學習歷程檔案的政策行動者角色分析 The Policy Actors of Administration and Teachers of the Academic Portfolio in Senior High Schools
析論「令和的日本型學校教育」革新方案 Analysis on the Innovation Program of the “JapaneseStyle School Education in the Reiwa Era”