專題探究課程培養國小高年級學生自主學習力:以高雄市壽山國民小學為例 A Study on Project-Based Learning Application for SelfRegulated Learning Improvements of Elementary School Students: An Example of Senior Classes Students at Kaohsiung Shou-Shan Elementary School
運用專題探究於國小高年級圖文書創作之課程實踐 Curriculum Practice of Application Project-Based Learning in the Creation of Graphic Books for Upper Grades in Primary Schools
設計思考應用於專題探究課程的教學實踐:以引導國中生形成探究問題為例 Teaching Practice of Applying Design Thinking in a Project-based Learning Course: Facilitating Junior High School Students in Developing Inquiry Topics
Dewey為專題探究課程帶來的理論遺產 Dewey’s Theoretical Legacy to the Project-Based Curriculum
魔鬼藏在細節裡?探究理論沒有說的課堂實踐困境與挑戰:以高中公民與社會科為例 The Devil Is in the Detail? The Plight and Challenges Untold by the Theories of Inquiry-Based Learning: Civics and Society as a School Subject Example
學生有感的探究式校訂課程:從和地方對話開啟的慢教學法實踐 An Engaging School-developed Inquiry Curriculum: The Practice of Place-based Slow Pedagogy
專題探究課程歷史演變與國際趨勢 Historical Development and International Trends of Project-Based Learning