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並列篇名 | An Engaging School-developed Inquiry Curriculum: The Practice of Place-based Slow Pedagogy |
作者 | 林君憶、陳怡潔 |
中文摘要 | 本文透過描繪課程實踐的場景,探討國小探究取向的校訂課程裡,教師如何透過小組討論與全班對話引導探究?研究者從地方本位教育與慢教學法的角度,分析二年級「我們的社區踏查」及四年級「海洋的過度捕撈」課程裡,知識生產的情境是什麼?知識的形式有什麼特徵?學生如何從未知到學習、產生更多未知和學習的歷程中,變得「有感」進而關懷與行動?教師掌握什麼樣的教學機會又面臨什麼樣的挑戰?本文以Carlsen與Clark(2022)的波浪形教學紀錄,使教師關注學生如何積極參與課程(包含帶入豐富想法或衝突意見、決定課程成果等)變得可視,有助於教師練習聆聽、反思學生的對話,再提出邀請。並發現學習單設計與使用能幫助學生慢下來探索對話,使師生與彼此、與地方連結而構築學習的意義和樂趣。 |
英文摘要 | This article investigates how an elementary-school teacher guides students’ inquiry through small-group discussions and whole-class dialogues by depicting scenes of a school-developed inquiry curriculum. From the perspective of placed-based education and slow pedagogy, the authors explore the following questions in the second-grade neighborhood community and fourth-grade overfishing curriculum cases: In what context is knowledge produced? What is the nature of knowledge created? How do students start from curiosity to learning, leading to more curiosity, understanding, and engagement in what they care about? What teachable moments should teachers grasp, and what challenges do teachers face? This article recommends Carlsen & Clark’s (2022) pedagogical documentation to help teachers focus on how their students actively participate in the curriculum (including bringing in various ideas or conflicting opinions and making decisions). It also can help teachers practice their listening to students, engage in reflection, and make the next invitations. Additionally, designing the materials to slow down learning for exploration and conversation is the key to connecting students, the teacher, and the place to co-construct the meaning and joy of learning. |
起訖頁 | 099-119 |
關鍵詞 | 地方本位教育、波浪形教學紀錄、探究式校訂課程、慢知識、慢教學法、place-based education、pedagogical documentation in waves of transformation、school-developed inquiry curriculum、slow knowledge、slow pedagogy |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202310 (354期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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