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並列篇名 | The Devil Is in the Detail? The Plight and Challenges Untold by the Theories of Inquiry-Based Learning: Civics and Society as a School Subject Example |
作者 | 林浩民、洪承宇 |
中文摘要 | 探究式教學理論在發展過程中,逐漸歸納出一系列的探究流程。我國108課綱中公民與社會科下的「公共議題與社會探究」加深加廣課程,提供學生體驗探究學習的機會。在課綱設計的形成過程中,提出了「發現與界定問題、觀察與蒐集資料、分析與詮釋資料、總結與反思」等四要項,指引著教師的課程安排。然而,探究理論的操作流程背後藏著理論所未觸及的實務困境與挑戰。本文訪談10位教授此門課程的高中公民教師,受訪者提出「強鷹架」與「弱鷹架」策略、文化不利者的資料蒐集困境、消息來源可信度、探究風險與學術倫理等問題,值得未來課綱調整與教授此門課的新手教師參考。 |
英文摘要 | In the evolution of inquiry-based learning theories in Taiwan, a standard implementation procedure has gradually formed. An enrichment program, named ‘Public Issues and Social Inquiry’ incorporates this procedure and aims to provide students the experiences of inquiry-based investigation. This program introduces four steps guiding the program design— discover and define questions, observe and gather information, analyze and interpret data, and conclude and reflect perspectives. However, behind these procedures, there are untold but pivotal details in the classroom practice worth being given additional emphasis. This article interviews ten citizenship teachers, who have taught this program and reveals their views on and “ruses” for their teaching, including scaffolding strategies, the plight of data gathering for the culturally disadvantaged, credibility of information resources, ethical issues and risk assessment of the inquiry projects. These perspectives from the interviewees are worth future curriculum developers and classroom practitioners learning from. |
起訖頁 | 083-098 |
關鍵詞 | 公民與社會課綱、風險評估、探究式教學、學術倫理、civics and society curriculum、risk assessment、inquiry-based teaching、research ethics |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202310 (354期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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