- 臺灣高齡教育與多元文化教育的對話與橋接:從性別出發的交織性觀點 Bridging Multicultural Education and Education for the Aged: Departing from Gender-Intersectional Perspective
- 再現我的遊戲童年:不同世代科學課程性別差異之交織性研究 Re-presenting My Childhood Play: An Intersectionality Study of Gender Differences in Science Curricula Across Different Generations
- 聽與說性別、族群、階級與障礙的故事──一個以交織性教育學為基礎的多元文化教育課程之實踐探究 Listening to and Telling Stories about Ethnicity, Gender, Social Class, and Disability—A Praxis Inquiry of a Multicultural Education Course Based on Intersectional Pedagogy
- 3D設計自我效能、學習興趣與成就感對實作表現之影響:以PjBL教學策略融入3D虛擬場景製作為例 The Influence of 3D Design Self-efficacy, 3D Design Interest and 3D Design Fulfillment on Design Performance: Taking PjBL Teaching Strategy into 3D Scene Modeling Course as an Example
- 高中自主學習實踐之研究:政策締造觀點 To Explore the Self-directed Learning Practice in a General Senior High School: A Policy Enactment Perspective
- 以現象學探究課綱為本創客統整課程與實踐下的師生經驗 A Phenomenological Study on Teacher and Student Experiences in a Standards-based Integrated Maker Course Design and Instruction
- 學校實施雙語教學的實務策略思維:跨國個案學校實務經驗的啟示 Deliberative Curriculum Planning for Implementing Bilingual Teaching in Schools: Implications from Practical Experience of Cross-National Case Schools
- 學校本位課程發展歷程模式之研究:幼兒園、家庭與社區合作取徑特色課程 Study on the Development Model of School-based Curriculum: Feature Curriculum for the Cooperative Approach of Preschool, Family, and Community