- 从教育生态学的视角看信息技术与课程整合的[高原期]现象 Looking at [The Plateau Time] Phenomenon in the Integration of Information Technology and Curriculum from the Educational Ecology 's Perspective
- 功能语境论及其教学设计意蕴 Functional Contextualism and Implications for Instructional Design
- 远程协作学习中教师角色研究 Research on Teachers' Role in Distance Collaborative Learning
- 绩效理论在我国教育研究中应用状况元分析 The Meta-analysis of Application of Performance Theory in Educational Research in China
- 信息技术促进学生外语内隐学习的探析 Discussion of Information Technology Promoting Students' Foreign Language Implicit Learning
- 个案研究方法在教育游戏研究中的应用 Using Case Study Method as a Strategy for Researching Educational Game:Our Empirical Experience
- 对CL中小组互评成绩偏差问题的思考 The Research of the Problem of the Group Evaluation Excursion in CL Action
- 网络环境下信息组织方式对学习者记忆效果影响的实证研究 A Quantitative Study on the Affecting of Remembering Effect for Learner to the Organizational Mode of Information in E-learning Environment
- 网络环境下元认知策略训练对外语自主学习绩效的影响分析 Impact of Meta-cognitive Strategies on the Achievements and Effects of Foreign Language Self-study in the Network Environment
- 高校教学科研人员绩效考评体系指标权重确定研究 The Study of Confirm The Weight of Teacher's Performance Evaluation Index in The High Schools
- 以行动研究促进信息技术教师的专业成长 To Promote Teachers' Specialized Growth of IT by Action Research
- DIS数字实验系统在物理教学中的作用 The Function of the DIS Lab System in Physical Teaching
- 中小学校园网站建设过程中存在的问题分析及对策 The Analysis and Strategies Concerning the Issues during the Process of High Schools' and Primary Schools' Construction of Campus Websites
- 基于本体的CSCL学习资源管理研究 Study of CSCL Learning Resource Management Based on Ontology
- 课程信息化中的网络课程设计 The Design of Web-based Course in Curriculum Informatization
- 基于Moodle网络课程的设计与实施探索 Design and Implementation of the Network Course Based on Moodle Are Explored
- 数字网络和模拟网络的合理嫁接--多态化多媒体教学技术支持平台的构建 The Rational Link of Digital Network and Simulate Network--The Case of Building Multimedia Instructional Technology Supporting plat
- 基于Moodle平台的学习活动设计 The Learning Activities Design Based on Moodle Platform
- 利用Moodle平台构建新型大学英语教学模式 Using Moodle Platform Constructs New Models of College English Teaching
- 英文文本难度自动测量系统的研制与开发 Research and Development of an Automatic English Readability Measuring System
- 基于3ds Max和Virtools的大学物理虚拟实验的设计与开发 Design and Development of University Physical Virtual Experiment Based on 3ds Max and Virtools
- 本科生学业评价信息系统的研究与设计 Research and Design of Web System for Undergraduate's Achievement Assessment
- 一种基于WEB2.0分布式工具集的知识管理方法 A Knowledge Management Method Which Based On WEB2.0 Distributed Toolkit
- 流媒体电视在现代教学中的应用模式构想 An Applied Model of Modern Teaching Based on Streaming Media TV
- 应用型本科《管理学》课程实践教学方案创新设计 The Innovative Design of Practical Teaching Project for the Applicable Undergraduate Management Course
- 面向岗位的电子化知识服务系统构建研究 Research on the Construction of Post-oriented E-knowledge Service System
- 数字化时代的新闻传播类专业计算机课程教学体系研究 The Research of Computer Teaching System for the Journalism in the Digital Time
- 我国高校多媒体技术教材的现状分析 Analysis of the Textbook of Multimedia Technology Curriculum in Higher Education in China
- 《多媒体技术与应用》课程教学解决方案的探讨
- 高中《视频信息的采集与加工》综合实践活动课教学设计 The Teaching Design of Comprehensive Practice Activity Class of Collecting and Processing Video Information in Senior High School