- 寻找将教育学托上天空的彩云
- 人性论的新视角及其教育意义 New Perspective of Humanity Theory and Its Significance to Education
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- 教育资源投入对学生学业成绩的影响力评价——基于西部地区基础教育发展项目的研究 An Assessment of the Impact of Educational Resource Input on Student Academic Achievement: Based on the Basic Education in West Areas Project
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- 西部五省区农村小学寄宿生的学业成绩与学校适应性研究 A study on the Academic Achievement and School Adaptability of Rural Elementary School Boarding Students from Five Provinces and Autonomous Regions in Western China
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- 公民社会的伦理生态及其教育建构 The Ethical Ecology of Civil Society and Its Educational Construction
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