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並列篇名 | The Concept of Educational Innovation in the Design and Practice of Classroom Teaching in Junior High and Elementary Schools |
作者 | 林進材、汪明怡 |
中文摘要 | 近年實施素養導向之108課綱,配合2030雙語政策發展於中小學推動的教育雙語,再加上疫情期間數位學習的衝擊與轉化,教師面臨教育現場多元型態之極大挑戰;科技融入教育影響著學生的學習和學校組織的運作,此種教育創新變革與學生學習型態之轉換,對於學生多元學習之規劃與期盼,將會是現階段學校與教師面臨之重大挑戰。教育創新是現階段教育發展的關鍵,需整合校內外資源,透過校長創新領導、教師專業成長和學校經營,培養學生創造、批判及思考的能力,以應對未來社會的挑戰,本研究旨在呈現近年面對多元教育發展與後疫情時代之國中小教師課堂教學設計與實踐的教學創新現況,提供教育現場夥伴實踐之行動與教育改革與發展之參考。 |
英文摘要 | In recent years, the implementation of competency-based curricula, aligned with the 2030 Bilingual Policy development in elementary and secondary schools, along with the impact and transformation of digital learning during the pandemic, has posed significant challenges for teachers facing diverse educational environments. The integration of technology into education affects student learning and school organization operations. This educational innovation and transformation in student learning modes present significant challenges for planning and anticipating diverse student learning in the current post-pandemic era. Educational innovation is crucial in contemporary educational development, requiring the integration of internal and external resources, innovative leadership by principals, professional growth of teachers, and school management to cultivate students’ creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities to meet future societal challenges. This study aims to present the current status of teaching innovation in the design and practice of classroom teaching by elementary and junior high school teachers in response to diverse educational developments and the post-pandemic era, providing actionable insights and references for educational reform and development. |
起訖頁 | 004-014 |
關鍵詞 | 教育創新、教學實踐、課堂教學、educational innovation、teaching practice、classroom teaching |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202502 (370期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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