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並列篇名 | Action Research on Improving the Activity Participation of Children with Moderate to Severe Special Needs by Designing a Scratch Game with the ARCS Motivational Model |
作者 | 曾恕璇、鍾莉娟、黃梓祐 |
中文摘要 | 本研究以ARCS(Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction)動機模式為基礎,探討如何設計Scratch遊戲,以提升中重度特殊需求幼兒的活動參與。中重度特殊需求幼兒需要多元學習方式,本研究以ARCS動機模式為架構,設計適合的Scratch遊戲。研究發現,Scratch遊戲活動中,幼兒的眼神注視時間增加,肢體動作更明顯,且常發出語音或聲音,有些幼兒甚至能展現出溝通意圖。此外,學前特殊教育教師也得到了專業上的成長,包括資訊知能的增強、教學設計能力的提升、正向支持的教學團隊、系統化記錄幼兒行為表現,以及教師信念的反思。最後,本研究提出進一步相關研究的建議。這些研究結果將對中重度特殊需求幼兒的教學實踐提供有益的參考。 |
英文摘要 | Young children with special needs usually require diverse learning approaches. The purpose of this study was to design Scratch games based on the ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) motivation model to enhance the engagement of children with moderate to severe special needs. The ARCS motivation model was adopted to create suitable games for the targeted children. The results of the study revealed the following. The targeted children increased their eye gaze duration, body movements, and vocalizations or sounds, and increasingly manifested intentional communication behaviors. In addition, early childhood special education teachers who participated in this research also demonstrated professional growth, specifically by improving their knowledge of Scratch, strengthening their teaching beliefs, instructional design and team collaboration capabilities, as well as their ability to record children’s behavior systematically. Lastly, the study provides suggestions for future research and field application. These findings will serve as valuable references for instructional practices concerning children with moderate to severe special needs. |
起訖頁 | 079-119 |
關鍵詞 | ARCS動機模式、Scratch、中重度特殊需求幼兒、活動參與、ARCS motivation model、Scratch、children with moderate and severe special needs、engagement |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202411 (30期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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