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並列篇名 | Memory, Skills-Teaching Praxis and Reflections on the Representation of the Amis/Pangcah Wine-Making Culture |
作者 | 吳景雲 |
中文摘要 | 臺灣有許多原住民族重點學校於2014年實驗教育三法通過後開始陸續轉型為學校型態的實驗學校,研究者所任教的小學亦轉型為原住民族實驗學校,從籌備期由零開始發展阿美族民族教育文化課程,為期4年的行動研究,不斷滾動式修正教學目標、課程內容、教學方法、教學評量等歷程,旨在探討原住民族於發展民族教育課程時,教師如何將記憶中本族的傳統釀酒文化透過課程轉化,再現於課室中的教學實踐。研究發現:一、釀製糯米酒不只是一門傳統手工技藝的傳承,也是文化記憶的再現,更是展現在地部落文化主體性的多元文化教育課程實踐。二、在將釀酒的技藝轉化為課程的過程中,會因教師對於多元文化及阿美族文化課程的覺知不同,以致實際運作課程的內涵有所不同。三、學生在經驗課程後,再概念化阿美族釀酒文化,並為了延續祖先的智慧而願意繼續傳承阿美族的釀酒文化。 |
英文摘要 | Some indigenous schools in Taiwan transformed into school-based experimental schools after the Three-Type Acts of Experimental Education was promulgated and took effect in 2014. The primary school in which the researcher taught was transformed into such an indigenous experimental school. The teaching team developed an Amis/Pangcah Ethnic Education and Culture Curriculum during the preparatory period and conducted four year action research, which involved continuously revising instructional objectives, curriculum content, instructional methods, instructional evaluation methods, etc. The purpose was to explore the teaching practice in terms of how teachers transformed the traditional wine-making culture of their ethnic groups into the classroom through curriculum transformation in the process of developing an ethnic education curriculum. The main findings were: 1. Winemaking is not only the inheritance of a traditional craft skill, but also a representation of cultural memory. It also constitutes a multicultural curriculum praxis that demonstrates the cultural subjectivity of local ethnic groups and tribes. 2. In the process of converting wine-making skills into courses, the content of the courses will be inherently different, due to teachers’ divergent awareness of multicultural and Amis/Pangcah culture. 3. After exposure to the curriculum of wine-making culture, students reconceptualized the meaning of Amis/Pangcah wine-making culture and expressed willingness to continue to pass on the Amis/Pangcah wine-making culture in order to benefit from and propagate the inherited wisdom of their ancestors. |
起訖頁 | 041-078 |
關鍵詞 | 多元文化教育、行動研究、原住民族教育、教學實踐、multicultural education、action research、indigenous education、teaching praxis |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202411 (30期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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