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知覺組織支持、參與專業學習社群、參與時間對專業成長影響之研究:PLS-SEM 與 CB-SEM 模型之建構
並列篇名 | Effects of Perceived Organizational Support, Participation in Professional Learning Community, and Participation Time on Professional Growth: Construction of PLS-SEM and CB-SEM Models |
作者 | 蕭佳純 |
中文摘要 | 為瞭解知覺組織支持、參與專業學習社群、參與時間對專業成長的影響,本研究以知覺組織支持為自變項、參與專業學習社群為中介變項、參與時間為調節變項建置模型,檢證對專業成長的影響。本研究共利用PLS-SEM與CB-SEM兩個分析方法,第一階段利用183位國小教師,透過PLS-SEM分析,先針對本研究初步發展的模型進行適合度的初探。第二階段待模式修正後,再利用644位國小教師進行CB-SEM分析以進行模式的驗證。分析結果顯示,知覺組織支持、參與專業學習社群會對專業成長產生直接影響;知覺組織支持則透過參與專業學習社群的中介對專業成長產生間接影響;而且參與時間會在專業學習社群參與和專業成長的關係間發揮調節效果。本研究主題涉及中介與調節變項,在理論基礎及過去研究尚不夠成熟的情形下,期透過PLS-SEM與CB-SEM這兩種方法的檢證,建構相關模式,以供後續研究參考。 |
英文摘要 | Perceived organizational support, participation in professional learning community, and participation time are used as the independent variable, the intervening variable, and the moderator variable, respectively, in this study for constructing a model to test the effects on professional growth. The analyses with PLS-SEM and CB-SEM are utilized in this study. With PLS-SEM analysis of 183 elementary school teachers, the goodness-of-fit of the preliminarily developed model is explored at the first stage. After the modification of the model, CB-SEM analysis of 644 elementary school teachers is further preceded to test the model at the second stage. The analysis results reveal the direct effects of perceived organizational support and participation in professional learning community on professional growth, the indirect effect of perceived organizational support through the intervention of participation in professional learning community on professional growth, and the moderation effect of participation time on the relationship between participation in professional learning community and professional growth. The research topic involves in intervening and moderator variables. Under the theoretical basis and immature past studies, PLS-SEM and CB-SEM are utilized for the test, expecting to construct the relevant model as the reference for successive research. |
起訖頁 | 033-066 |
關鍵詞 | 知覺組織支持、參與時間、參與專業學習社群、專業成長、perceived organizational support、participation time、participation in professional learning community、professional growth |
刊名 | 教育政策與管理 |
期數 | 202406 (11期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺北教育大學 |
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