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並列篇名 | Strategies, Implementations, and Sustainable Development for Promoting the Job-Field Match of Graduates in Higher Education Institutions |
作者 | 王淑貞、陳婉琪 |
中文摘要 | 高等教育如何促進學用相符,經常成為社會關注的焦點。然而,國內在探討高等教育現場之實務策略的實徵研究卻相對匱乏。本研究聚焦在國內大專校院促進學用相符之策略、優勢及制度困境等,採混合研究方法,結合量化問卷調查分析及質化深度訪談,從學校中長程發展定位切入,瞭解各校在促進學用相符的實踐策略。本研究回收有效問卷共110份、訪談32位師長。研究結果顯示:一、各學校中長程發展多屬多元定位,其中,教學型為核心元素。二、超過九成的學校普遍採用的促進學用相符之策略,包括演講、校外實習、強化課程實作、業師協同授課、創業力培育、調整課程對接產業、產學合作。三、在促進學用相符之創新策略方面,包括改革課程、重視跨領域、調整學分結構等多元的資源交流,針對難以對應產業的科系,跨領域學習尤為重要。四、在策略的優勢力方面,以有專精科系、行政團隊、校友及產業聯盟資源為重要;而執行困境常發生在公部門挹注關鍵資源卻彈性不足、難以永續等面向。五、為實現各項策略推動的永續運作,學校的制度化轉型及資源投入扮演重要角色,須經由長期累積以發揮具體成效。本研究據以提出反思,以供國內高等教育未來發展之參考。 |
英文摘要 | How higher education can promote the job-field match of graduates has become the focus of discussion, but empirical research is relatively lacking. This study focuses on the strategies, advantages, and difficulties related to promoting the match between education and work for graduates in higher education institutions. This study employs a mixed-methods approach, combing self-administrative questionnaires from 110 universities and colleges and face-to-face deep interviews with 32 school managers. The results showed: (1) The long-term development of schools is mostly of diverse positioning, with teaching-oriented as the core element. (2) More than 90 percent of institutions have adopted strategies, including lectures, internships, learning-by-doing practice courses, co-teaching of certified professionals, creativity-building courses, adaptation of curricula, and industry-university cooperation. (3) In terms of innovative strategies for promoting learning-application alignment, diverse resource exchanges such as curriculum reform, emphasis on interdisciplinary, and adjustment of credit structures are important, especially interdisciplinary learning for disciplines that are difficult to align with industry needs. (4) In terms of strategic advantages, specialized departments, administrative teams, alumni, and industry alliances are important resources. Cross-disciplinary learning is especially important for fields that are difficult to match with industry. (5) Implementation difficulties often occur when the regulations and rules in the government are not flexible, making it hard to sustain related projects for schools. In order to achieve sustainable operations, the school’s institutional transformation and resource investment play an important role, and can achieve specific results through long-term accumulation. This study provides further reference for the development of domestic higher education system. |
起訖頁 | 001-031 |
關鍵詞 | 人才培育、高等教育、學用落差、cultivate talent、higher education、field-of-study mismatch |
刊名 | 教育政策與管理 |
期數 | 202406 (11期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺北教育大學 |
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| 知覺組織支持、參與專業學習社群、參與時間對專業成長影響之研究:PLS-SEM 與 CB-SEM 模型之建構 |