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並列篇名 | A Study of “Unspoken Words” in School Administration |
作者 | 陳成宏 |
中文摘要 | 所謂潛台詞,是指對方話語背後,所隱藏的那些沒有直接、明白表達出來的意思,簡單而言,即是話中有話或言外之意。潛台詞體現了說話者的性格本性,定義了對話時的當下情境,同時也在考驗收話者察言觀色的解讀能力。因此,瞭解潛台詞以互相理解來消除心理芥蒂,委婉含蓄與幽默風趣地避開情緒火氣,當有其促進學校行政和諧的重要性。本研究以學校組織為背景場域,由研究者立意邀請任職於不同學校的國小校長、主任、組長、教師各三人,總共12名樣本參與質性的焦點團體座談,俾以進行學校行政潛台詞的表達方式與影響因素之探討。藉由實徵資料分析,學校行政潛台詞的表達方式包括「換名借代」、「反面諷諭」、「諧音及詞語義雙關」、「婉曲」、「警醒」、「聲調及語氣動作」等六類。影響學校行政潛台詞的因素計有「文化與語言」、「性格與個性」、「資歷與歷練」、「動力與氛圍」等四項。根據研究發現,本研究提出若干建議以供參考。 |
英文摘要 | The so-called “unspoken words” refer to the underlying meanings hidden behind the words of the other party, which are not directly or explicitly expressed. Simply put, it implies that there is more to what is being said, or there is an implied meaning. Unspoken words reflect the speaker’s character and nature, define the context of the conversation, and also test the listener’s ability to interpret cues. Therefore, understanding unspoken words to eliminate psychological barriers and promote mutual understanding is crucial. It allows for tactful and humorous avoidance of emotional tension, emphasizing the importance of promoting harmony in school administration. This study applied a focus group methodology to interview a total of twelve educators who serve at different elementary schools to investigate the patterns and influencing factors of “unspoken words” in school administration. According to the results analyzed from empirical data, the patterns of “unspoken words” include six characteristics of “metonymy,” “allegory,” “homophonic and paronomasia,” “euphemism,” “forewarning” as well as “tone and movement.” Also, the influencing factors of “unspoken words” demonstrate in four dimensions of “culture and language,” “character and personality,” “seniority and experience” as well as “dynamic and atmosphere.” Based on the research findings, this study proposed several implications for reference. |
起訖頁 | 067-092 |
關鍵詞 | 焦點團體、潛台詞、學校行政、focus group、unspoken words、school administration |
刊名 | 教育政策與管理 |
期數 | 202406 (11期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺北教育大學 |
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