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並列篇名 | Marketization of Education in the Era of Globalization: A Case Study of Sweden’s Educational Reforms in the 1990s |
作者 | 林鈺文 |
中文摘要 | 基於全球化的背景與教育市場化對社會公平及教育機會所產生的重大影響之理由,本研究旨在以瑞典於九○年代的教育改革為例,探究全球化背景下教育市場化的趨勢及市場化機制對教育體系的衝擊。本研究透過文獻探討,主要研究結果包括:一、瑞典九○年代的教育改革脈絡與政黨輪替帶來的意識形態轉變密切相關;二、瑞典的教育市場化政策對教育之衝擊包括家長教育選擇權遭剝削、私立學校分數通膨、擴大社會階級差異與再製,以及市場化機制能否提升教育品質的疑慮;三、市場化理論應用在教育上有其侷限性,肇因於其假定所有消費者具有平等的選擇權、忽略教育作為準公共財的特性、過度強調去中心化;四、瑞典教育改革反映全球化趨勢對教育政策的影響,目前瑞典正朝向政府適度介入教育的方向發展;五、瑞典在PISA測驗的成績擺盪,凸顯全球化時代下國際組織影響力擴大之現象。依研究結果,本研究之結論包含:一、以證據為本的教育決策至關重要;二、市場化理論應用在教育領域確有其侷限性。反思對我國教育政策之啟示:一、教育政策應落實教育公平性;二、借鑑國際經驗時應考量本土脈絡。最後,未來研究建議透過實地深度訪談及參與式觀察,關注瑞典後續教育改革的發展與方向。 |
英文摘要 | In light of the significant impact of globalization and the marketization of education on social equity and educational opportunities, this study aims to explore the trend of educational marketization in the context of globalization and its effects on the educational system, using Sweden’s educational reforms in the 1990s as a case study. Through literature review, the main findings of this study include: 1. The context of Sweden’s educational reforms in the 1990s is closely related to the ideological shifts brought about by changes in political parties; 2. The impact of Sweden’s educational marketization policies includes the deprivation of parents’ right to school choice, grade inflation in private schools, the widening of social class differences and reproduction, and doubts about whether marketization mechanisms can improve educational quality; 3. The application of marketization theory in education has its limitations, due to assumptions that all consumers have equal choice, neglecting the characteristics of education as a quasi-public good, and overemphasizing decentralization; 4. Sweden’s educational reforms reflect the influence of globalization trends on educational policy, with current developments moving towards moderate government intervention in education; 5. Sweden’s fluctuating performance in PISA tests highlights the growing influence of international organizations in the era of globalization. Based on the findings, the conclusions of this study include: 1. Evidence-based educational decision-making is crucial; 2. The application of marketization theory in the field of education indeed has its limitations. Reflections on the implications for our country’s educational policy include: 1. Educational policy should implement educational equity; 2. When learning from international experiences, local contexts should be considered. Finally, future research suggests focusing on the follow-up developments and directions of Sweden’s educational reforms through in-depth field interviews and participant observation. |
起訖頁 | 037-067 |
關鍵詞 | 全球化、教育市場化、教育改革、瑞典、globalization、marketization of education、educational reforms、Sweden |
刊名 | 比較教育 |
期數 | 202405 (96期) |
出版單位 | 中華民國比較教育學會 |
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