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並列篇名 | Academic Continuing Education: Exploring Developments in Germany’s Higher Education Sector |
作者 | 薛欣怡 |
中文摘要 | 高等教育是人才培育的搖籃,而數位化發展所引起的職場不確定性與複雜性,使得在職進修成為就業者不可或缺的工作態度,因唯有不斷地學習,才能擁有與科技發展並存的能力。如此使得培育人才重鎮的高等教育機構須結合終身學習趨勢進行變革。鑑於此,大學在提供繼續教育的角色上更顯重要。德國有著相當完善的繼續教育體制,近年在學術教育與職業教育融通過程中,高等教育機構逐漸進入了第三次學術革命,其「學術繼續教育」的出現,擴充了高等教育服務於社會大眾的職能,逐漸成為提供繼續教育的重要基地之一。鑑於我國就業情況及符應就業者在職進修的需求,本研究以德國為例,探究其「學術繼續教育」之發展脈絡與現況。主要研究結果為:一、學術繼續教育的蓬勃發展得力於其國家政策與法治的保障基礎;二、德國繼續教育因需求不同,逐漸朝向專業分工,非職業相關培訓類課程,社區大學仍為最大提供者;個人職業相關培訓則以高等教育機構為主,因其專業性課程及所提供的學位學程或專業證書較符合在職者進修的需求;三、將「學術繼續教育」與國家資歷架構等級進行對接,有利於其發展。最後,依據研究結果,對我國未來發展「學術繼續教育」進行反思與提供建議。 |
英文摘要 | Higher education is the cradle of talent cultivation, and the workplace uncertainty and complexity brought about by digital development have made on-the-job training an indispensable work attitude for employees. Only through continuous learning can individuals possess the ability to coexist with technological development. Consequently, higher education institutions, as pivotal centers for talent cultivation, must integrate the trend of lifelong learning into their reforms. In this context, the role of universities in providing continuing education has become increasingly important. Germany has a well established system of continuing education. In recent years, as academic education and vocational education have become more integrated, higher education institutions have gradually entered the third academic revolution. The emergence of “academic continuing education” has expanded the role of higher education in serving the general public, gradually becoming one of the important bases for providing continuing education. Given the employment situation in our country and the need for employees to pursue further training, this study uses Germany as an example to explore the development and current status of its “academic continuing education.” The main research findings are: 1. The flourishing development of academic continuing education is attributed to the foundation of national policy and legal guarantees; 2. Due to different needs, German continuing education is gradually moving towards professional specialization. Community colleges remain the largest providers of nonvocational training courses, while higher education institutions are the main providers of professional training for individuals, as their specialized courses and the degrees or professional certificates they offer better meet the needs of employees for further education; 3. Aligning “academic continuing education” with the national qualifications framework levels is beneficial for its development. Finally, based on the research findings, reflections and suggestions are provided for the future development of “academic continuing education” in Taiwan. |
起訖頁 | 001-035 |
關鍵詞 | 高等教育、德國、學術革命、學術繼續教育、繼續教育、higher education、Germany、academic revolution、university continuing education、continuing education |
刊名 | 比較教育 |
期數 | 202405 (96期) |
出版單位 | 中華民國比較教育學會 |
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該期刊 下一篇
| 全球化時代下的教育市場化:以瑞典九○年代教育改革為例 |