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並列篇名 | The Adjustment of Canada’s International Student Enrollment Policies and Their Impact on the Financial Structure of Higher Education |
作者 | 戴弘鈞 |
中文摘要 | 教育出口業務的可持續性發展,向來是高等教育機構財政穩定的重要手段,本研究目的在於評估加拿大聯邦政府對國際學生許可證限制政策,對其高等教育機構財政的影響。加拿大自1990年以來,由於聯邦和省政府對高等教育資金支持的逐步削減,加拿大的大學和學院被迫尋找新的財政來源。面臨加拿大國內少子化的挑戰,這些機構轉而依賴從發展中國家招募的國際學生來增加收入,這一策略雖在初期取得成功,但也導致來源國家過度集中化,增加高等教育機構的財政風險並對國際學生多樣性造成挑戰。在2024年,加拿大聯邦政府對國際學生政策進行重大調整,主要措施包括縮減國際學生的學習許可證數量及申請時必須附帶的省級證明信。這些政策調整反映了加拿大在疫情後的經濟復甦和國際情勢變化下,對社會經濟壓力的響應,特別是臨時移民帶來的住房和醫療資源需求。本研究透過文件分析,獲得以下研究發現:一、過度集中化的國際學生生源增加高等教育財政穩定的風險;二、控管學習許可證數趨勢有助於開發潛在永久移民候選人庫及活化勞動力市場。新政策的實施展示了加拿大政府對教育出口業務可持續性的長期考量,旨在平衡教育資源,減少對特定國家或地區的依賴。最後,依據本研究結果,提出相關的啟示和建議。 |
英文摘要 | The sustainable development of educational export business has always been a crucial means of financial stability for higher education institutions. This study aims to assess the impact of the Canadian federal government’s restrictions on international student permits on the financial health of its higher education institutions. Since 1990, due to the gradual reduction in funding support from both federal and provincial governments, Canadian universities and colleges have been forced to seek new sources of revenue. Facing the challenge of declining birth rates within Canada, these institutions turned to recruiting international students from developing countries to increase their income. While this strategy initially proved successful, it also led to an over-concentration of source countries, increasing financial risks for higher education institutions and posing challenges to the diversity of international students. In 2024, the Canadian federal government made significant adjustments to its international student policies, including reducing the number of study permits and requiring a provincial attestation letter with applications. These policy adjustments reflect Canada’s response to socioeconomic pressures following the pandemic and changes in the international landscape, particularly the demand for housing and healthcare resources brought about by temporary immigrants. Through document analysis, this study obtained the following findings: first, the over-concentration of international student sources increases the financial stability risk for higher education institutions; second, the trend of controlling the number of study permits helps develop a potential pool of permanent immigrant candidates and revitalizes the labor market. The implementation of the new policies demonstrates the Canadian government’s long-term consideration for the sustainability of the educational export business, aiming to balance educational resources and reduce dependence on specific countries or regions. Finally, based on the results of this study, relevant insights and recommendations are provided. |
起訖頁 | 069-106 |
關鍵詞 | 加拿大、政策可持續性、財政風險、高等教育、國際學生政策、Canadian、policy sustainability、financial risks、higher education、international student policies |
刊名 | 比較教育 |
期數 | 202405 (96期) |
出版單位 | 中華民國比較教育學會 |
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| 全球化時代下的教育市場化:以瑞典九○年代教育改革為例 |