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並列篇名 | Fostering Student Teachers' Discourse and Teaching Perspectives Through Principle-Based Knowledge Building Activities |
作者 | 楊珊瑜、陳美如 |
中文摘要 | 二十一世紀的資訊與通訊科技逐漸改變人們工作性質與社會關係,在教育領域,學習科學對學習的定義有不同的觀點,逐漸從個體知識獲得轉向知識深度理解,追求知識協作、社群共作與創新思維,在網路時代更應著重情境中的協作探究以促進知識創新。本研究將知識翻新融入師資培育課程,以知識翻新原則為設計指引,知識論壇為數位協作情境,協助教學實踐發展,並從知識翻新活動歷程,探討師資生對話與教學觀的發展及想法的流動。研究對象為47位修習教學原理的師資生,資料來源為知識論壇貼文資料,採取混合研究法。研究發現有:一、運用原則取向的知識翻新活動有助於師資生對話發展;二、在知識翻新原則的引導下,到後期雖仍以辯論型對話為多,但改進型對話提升的百分比高於辯論型對話;三、知識翻新活動促進教學觀的發展,但觀點的發展仍有改善空間;四、辯論型對話能同時預測絕對主義與建構主義教學觀;五、改進型對話與建構主義教學觀為顯著中度相關,雖未能預測建構主義教學觀,但從個案分析可見其重要性,值得後續持續探究。最後提出未來改進師資生培育與研究之建議。 |
英文摘要 | Learning science recognizes varied definitions of learning, evolving from mere knowledge acquisition to encompass deep understanding, collaborative knowledge sharing, community engagement, and creative thought. In the era of the Internet, it is even more crucial to invest in environmental cooperation to foster knowledge creation. This study investigates Knowledge Building (KB) among a community of student teachers in a teacher training curriculum, which focuses on KB principles. The researcher uses Knowledge Forum (KF) as a collaborative tool to facilitate this study. This study aims to aid the development of student teachers in teaching practice and to explore the process of their discourse and teaching perspectives. This study adopted case study approach with 47 student teachers who took a university course titled “Teaching Principles” over one semester. The findings indicated: (1) Principle based KB activities facilitate student teachers’ discourse progress. (2) Guided by the KB principles, although arguing-oriented discourse remained prevalent in the later stages, the percentage increase in improving-oriented discourse was higher than arguing-oriented discourse. (3) KB activities inform student teachers’ teaching perspectives, but there is still room for improvement. (4) Arguing-oriented discourse can simultaneously predict absolutists-oriented and constructivists-oriented teaching perspectives. (5) Improving-oriented discourse show a significant moderate correlation with constructivist teaching perspectives (CTP). Although it does not predict CTP, case analysis reveals the importance, warranting further continuous exploration. Finally, suggestions are proposed for future improvements in student teachers’ training and research. |
起訖頁 | 081-114 |
關鍵詞 | 知識論壇、知識翻新、師資生、師資培育、教學觀、對話、Knowledge Forum、Knowledge Building、student teacher、teacher education、teaching perspective、discourse |
刊名 | 教育與心理研究 |
期數 | 202406 (47:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立政治大學教育學院 |
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