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並列篇名 | A Study on the Training System for Primary and Secondary School Mentor Principals: System Connotations and Supporting Measures |
作者 | 薛春光、方慶林、林雍智、游子賢 |
中文摘要 | 「師傅校長」是一種以師傅提供初、現任校長輔導、支持與陪伴的角色,可以協助校長解決學校問題,成為師傅校長亦是校長職涯專業發展的最高階目標,因此,建構能打造校長職涯發展完整路徑的師傅校長培訓體系,乃有高度之必要性。本研究旨在探討中小學師傅校長培訓體系之內涵與推動配套措施,採焦點座談會議與問卷調查法,以學者專家與中小學師傅校長為對象進行研究。本研究結論包含:一、師傅校長的主要使命為建構校長支持系統;二、師傅校長之任務為支持新進或夥伴校長;三、師傅校長培訓體系應以師傅專業素養模組為優先;四、適合擔任培訓課程之講師者,以具師傅校長經驗者優先;五、師傅校長培訓課程主張採案例分析進行者占多數;六、課程辦理單位多數贊成由國家教育研究院辦理;七、師傅校長證照應由教育部核發;八、師傅校長之任期宜設為中效期(五至六年);九、為達成師傅校長培訓體系之目的,在配套措施上主張辦理師傅校長成長支持系統者占多數;十、師傅校長回流課程應以案例分析應用為主。根據結論,本研究提出若干建議,供推動中小學師傅校長培訓體系參考。 |
英文摘要 | The “mentor principal” provides counseling, guidance, support, and companionship to new and current principals. A mentor principal can assist protégés in solving school problems; becoming a mentor principal is the highest-level goal of a principal’s professional development. Therefore, it is highly necessary to build a mentor principal training (MPT) system that creates a full path for principals’ professional development. This study explored the contents and supporting systems of MPT for elementary and secondary school principals in Taiwan. Research tools included focus group interview and questionnaires administered to scholars and elementary and secondary school mentor principals. Ten conclusions were drawn: 1. The main mission of the mentor principal is to build the support system for principals. 2. The mentor principal’s priority task is to support new or partner principals. 3. MPT should give priority to the mentor principal’s professional competency module. 4. Experienced mentor principals should be given priority as eligible instructors of MPT. 5. The curriculum of MPT should consist of “case analyses” in the main. 6. As far as course management is concerned, it is mostly agreed that National Academy for Educational Research should take charge. 7. The Ministry of Education should be the certification-issuing authority. 8. The term of office of the mentor principal should be set to a medium period of five to six years. “ 9. To achieve the purpose of MPT, a “supporting system for mentor principals’ growth” should be administered as a supporting measure. 10. Recurrent education for mentor principals should focus on case analysis and application. Finally, based on the conclusions, this study puts forward several suggestions for reference in promoting MPT. |
起訖頁 | 095-128 |
關鍵詞 | 師傅校長、校長培訓、校長專業發展、mentor principal、principal training、principals’ professional development |
刊名 | 教育政策論壇 |
期數 | 202311 (26:4期) |
出版單位 | 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所 |
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