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論D. Vandenberg六個人權命題作為道德教育的內涵、啟示與省思
並列篇名 | The Study of Contexts, Implications, and Reflections About D. Vandenberg’s Six Propositions on Moral Education as Human Rights |
作者 | 蘇鈺楠 |
中文摘要 | D. Vandenberg是當代重要的教育哲學家之一,然而,目前在臺灣的相關研究卻極為稀少,Vandenberg思想上獨特之處在於把道德理論與人權概念結合,致力於回答何謂良善與正確的問題。其主張在課堂中學習價值、向教師學習價值,並善用價值澄清與討論道德兩難,讓學生從中學會看見事物的獨特性並學會尊重差異性。在研究架構上,經由六個人權命題之詮釋,演繹出三項在道德教育上的啟示,並給予內容上的省思,發現其具第四代人權式道德哲學的特徵、挖掘善與對的命題、是珍惜的道德平權教育,在命題上省思其邏輯推導。最後,研究者以為,這種道德論述與存在之結合或許可給現今的臺灣在道德教育側重珍惜之意涵,並再思考何謂人權的真諦。 |
英文摘要 | D. Vandenberg is one of the preeminent educational philosophers of modern times. However, scant research about Vandenberg has been conducted in Taiwan’s academic circles. The uniqueness of Vandenberg’s theory lies in the combination of moral theory and human rights concepts. Specifically, D. Vandenberg strives to distinguish what is good and right, and insists on respecting the uniqueness of and differences among students in the course of their learning values from classroom procedures,learning values from teachers,value clarification, and discussing moral dilemmas. This paper focuses on D. Vandenberg’s six propositions on moral education as human rights, which involves deducing three significant implications through reflection on content which entails discussion of a fourth generation of human rights, exploring good and right, and valuing moral equal rights. This paper also reflects on the logical thinking underpinning propositions. Finally, the researcher claims this theory can mark the advent of pivoting toward a new direction for thinking about moral value education in Taiwan, which entails deeper reflection on the precise significance of human rights therein. |
起訖頁 | 027-062 |
關鍵詞 | D. Vandenberg、人權教育、倫理學、道德教育理論、D. Vandenberg、human right education、ethics、moral education theory |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202305 (27期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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