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並列篇名 | The Cultural Connotation of the Thao's “Owl Story” Oral Literature |
作者 | 趙元炤 |
中文摘要 | 原住民族口傳文學是其進行文化傳承的重要方式。本研究以日月潭地區伊達邵部落中重視部落生命繁衍的〈貓頭鷹故事〉為研究對象,採取故事文本分析與對邵族人深度訪談的研究方法。研究目的如下:探討〈貓頭鷹故事〉中文化傳承的意義;分析邵族人對於口傳文學故事與文化傳承的認同感;隨著時代的演變,探討邵族人對口傳文學與文化傳承之不同的時代性詮釋方式。研究結果發現,在〈貓頭鷹故事〉中文化傳承意義有「重視高度道德操守」、「重視生命傳承繁衍」、「不殺貓頭鷹的文化禁忌」等。族人也認為口傳文學故事有高度文化傳承價值,並提出「重教育意義的報喜鳥象徵」、「富童趣的繪本媒材詮釋」、「具科幻性的動畫創新詮釋」等創新詮釋方式,賦予邵族口傳文學故事更多元的文化傳承意涵。 |
英文摘要 | The oral literature of indigenous peoples is an important way for them to carry on cultural inheritance. This research takes the Thao nationality of the Ita Thao tribe in Nantou County as the object, and conducts text analysis and in-depth interviews on the topic of the “Owl Story” which emphasizes tribal life reproduction. The research objectives are as follows: Explore the significance of cultural inheritance in the “Owl Story”; analyze the Thao people’s sense of identity with oral literary stories and cultural inheritance. With the evolution of the times, this research explores the Thao people’s contemporary interpretation of the different methods between oral literature and cultural inheritance. It turns out that the cultural inheritance meaning in the “Owl Story” includes the “emphasis on high moral integrity”, “emphasis on life inheritance and reproduction”, and “cultural taboos not to kill owls.” The people of the tribe also believe that oral literary stories have a high cultural heritage value, and put forward innovative interpretation methods such as “annunciation of the bird symbol that emphasizes educational significance”, “childlike interpretations of picture book media”, “innovative interpretation of science fiction animation” and other innovative interpretation methods. Thus, Thao oral literary stories have more diversified cultural inheritance meanings. |
起訖頁 | 135-164 |
關鍵詞 | 口傳文學、文化意涵、邵族、貓頭鷹故事、oral literature、cultural connotation、Thao nationality、owl story |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202205 (25期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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