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並列篇名 | Reading Comprehension Action Research for a Student with Developmental Language Disorder |
作者 | 陳毓豪、王道偉、李美嬅、楊熾康 |
中文摘要 | 本研究採行動研究的觀點,旨在解決某位「發展性語言障礙」學童需要提升閱讀理解能力以便能夠有效地解決課業學習的實務問題。介入過程由治療師與家長一起參與規劃、執行及協同反思,逐步揭示如何修正並調整閱讀理解介入教學內容與實踐的方法。研究歷經三個行動研究循環,進行了句子閱讀理解教學、詞彙教學以及文本閱讀理解教學。介入初始理念以「視覺提示」和「操作示範」的多感官輸入與輸出教學為原則。研究結果顯示,經「操作示範」與「句構視覺提示」的介入歷程後,成功地讓學童學會解讀含方位詞附屬子句的句子。此外,在增加了「因果視覺提示」、「脈絡視覺提示」的介入後,學童亦能建立起短文故事的因果與脈絡關係,理解短文中的內容,並能順利回答出推論性的問題。最後,依據研究結果,提出閱讀理解教學介入模式的建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this action research is to improve the reading comprehension of a student with developmental language disorder (DLD) so that she can learn effectively. Speech pathologists and parents both participated in the planning, implementation and reconnaissance process of action research. Three action research cycles, including complex sentence comprehension, vocabulary instruction and narrative text reading comprehension intervention, were conducted with the initial idea of multimodality involving visual and manipulation cues. The results showed that the DLD student’s reading comprehension of short complex sentences improved. The DLD student was also able to recall vocabulary instructed two months after the intervention. Besides, after adding visual cue during the intervention, the DLD student understood the causal relationship of the narrative stories’ structures and, the DLD student was able to answer inference questions after the intervention. Based on the findings of this study, we proposed a revised instruction model integrating all successful interventions. |
起訖頁 | 089-134 |
關鍵詞 | 多感官介入、發展性語言障礙、視覺提示、閱讀理解、操作示範、multimodality intervention、developmental language disorder、visual cue、reading comprehension、physical manipulation |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202205 (25期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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