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並列篇名 | Practicing action research, promoting EFL teachers' professional development—A review of the Workshop on Doing Qualitative and Action Research in TESOL |
作者 | 李旸 |
中文摘要 | “外语教学中的行动研究专题研修班”不仅为高校外语教师提供了教师专业化发展的途径和方法,而且从根本上提升了教师专业发展的意识和科研能力。行动研究既是一种科学探究,也是一种教育理念和一种职业精神。其目的不仅要帮助教师成长为独立的研究者,更要帮助他们成长为更好的行动者。在行动中研究,在研究中行动,在行动与研究中提升教师的生命价值。只有通过持续不断的专业学习与发展,外语教师才能形成真正的改革意识,外语教育改革也才能因此获得源源不断的动力。践行行动研究理念,倡导教师成为行动研究者对推动高校外语教学改革和教师专业化发展具有重大的现实意义。 |
英文摘要 | The Workshop on Doing Qualitative and Action Research in TESOL provided approaches and methods of professional development for in-service EFL teachers. Meanwhile, it improved their awareness of professional
development and abilities of doing research. Action research is not only a means of scientific research, but also an educational concept and a professional spirit. It aims to help teachers to become independent researchers and better actors as well. It is commonly believed that research in action and action in research will enhance teachers' life value. Only by constant learning and professional development can teachers develop their consciousness of educational reform, which will facilitate educational reform. |
起訖頁 | 71-74;77-77 |
關鍵詞 | 外语教师、专业发展、行动研究 |
刊名 | 中國外語教育 |
期數 | 201202 (5:1期) |
出版單位 | 外語教學與研究出版社 |
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| 行动研究,“心动”研究—“外语教学中的行动研究专题研修班”综述 |