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並列篇名 | Action research, "fancy" research—A review of the Workshop on Doing Qualitative and Action Research in TESOL |
作者 | 王娜、沈艳娟、张虹 |
中文摘要 | “外语教学中的行动研究专题研修班”为广大一线教师提供了教学研究的新范式,同时也拓宽了外语教师职业发展的道路。本文首先从四个方面对研修班内容进行了概述:(1)揭开行动研究的面纱,明晰行动研究的方法;(2)解读行动研究的案例,剖析行动研究的细节;(3)“社团实践”行动研究,“镜像学习”研究方案;(4)深入思考研修主题,及时获得专家反馈。接着,笔者从三个方面分享了参加研修班的心得体会:(1)管窥行动研究;(2)心动行动研究;(3)寄望行动研究。最后,笔者阐释了从本次研修班中得到的启发,并提出建议。 |
英文摘要 | The Workshop on Doing Qualitative and Action Research in TESOL provided a new research paradigm for English teachers in China, and at the same time it helped broaden the route for teacher development. This paper firstly reviews briefly what was going on at the workshop from four aspects, including: (1) reveal what action research is and clarify its methodology, (2) interpret cases of action research and expose elements of action research, (3) action research practice in communities and mirror-image learning research proposals, and (4) reflect on the theme of the workshop and gain quick feedback from experts. Then the paper shares with its readers the authors' knowledge about action research and gains from this workshop as a teacher learner from the following three perspectives: (1) a personal glimpse at action research, (2) fancy about action research, and (3) expectations about action research in TESOL. At last, the authors illustrate the enlightenment gained from the workshop and put forward some suggestions. |
起訖頁 | 67-70;77-77 |
關鍵詞 | 行动研究、外语教学、外语教师发展 |
刊名 | 中國外語教育 |
期數 | 201202 (5:1期) |
出版單位 | 外語教學與研究出版社 |
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| 商务英语教材的真实性评价 |
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| 践行行动研究理念,推进外语教师专业发展—“外语教学中的行动研究专题研修班”综述 |