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作者 | 曾智豐 |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要欲了解在不同時間下,家長對學校滿意度的前後期動態關係。本研究將學校服務分成核心服務滿意度(學生成就)及周邊服務滿意度(含行政服務、教學輔導與環境設備等三個因素)等二個構面。在樣本選擇上以中部某一所公立國民小學家長為主,同一樣本共計發放兩次問卷,期間相隔四個月,所採用之統計有:描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關及回歸分析等方法。最後本研究主要發現為:1.不論前後期,家長滿意度皆屬於中上程度,而且後期得分皆比前期高;2.在時間動態下,核心服務滿意度有下降趨勢,周邊服務滿意度則有上升趨勢;3.在前期滿意度對後期滿意度影響方面,前期核心服務滿意度會對後期核心滿意度產生影響,而前期周邊服務滿意度對後期周邊服務滿意度及核心服務滿意度則具有正向影響;4.不論前期或後期,以周邊服務的行政服務因素對整體滿意度的影響力最佳;5.核心服務滿意度、周邊服務滿意度及整體滿意度之間具有高度相關。本研究並根據研究結果,提出相關建議供學校參考。 |
英文摘要 | This study focuses on establishing the parent's school satisfaction with a “consumer's view”. After analyzsis, the parent's school satisfaction includes two factors. The first is core service satisfaction which means student achievement. The second is supplementary service satisfaction which means administration service, environment, equipment, teaching and counseling. The major findings of this study are the following: 1. The result of parental satisfaction belongs to the upper level and the initial review is higher than the final review. 2. From the temporal/dynamic aspect, core service satisfaction shows a downward trend, whereas supplementary service satisfaction shows an upward trend. 3. The initial core service satisfaction has influence over the final core service satisfaction; the initial supplementary service satisfaction has a significant positive correlation among the final satisfaction with supplementary service and core service. 4. The administration service's influence is strong over time. 5. A significant positive correlation among the core service's satisfaction and the supplementary service's satisfaction is revealed. Based on the results, this study will provide related suggestions to the school administration. |
起訖頁 | 101-138 |
關鍵詞 | 學校滿意度 、動態 、parent's satisfaction 、dynamic |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 201011 (3期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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