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作者 | 陳玫如、李寧遠 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討高雄縣美濃鎮不同世代客家族群與客家飲食文化之關係,以高雄縣美濃鎮12歲以上具客家血緣之客家族群進行調查,採問卷調查法,以便利取樣方式發放問卷,共發出400份,回收398 份,有效問卷率99.5%,包括年輕、中年及老年世代各133 份、212 份及53 份,運用「個人基本資料」與自編「客家飲食文化認知調查表」及「飲食行為調查表」等研究工具蒐集資料,並運用敘述統計及二因子變異數分析等方法進行資料檢定與分析,期望研究結果可做為推廣客家族群對客家飲食文化認識之參考。研究結果發現:美濃地區不世代客家族群對客家飲食文化整體認知具顯著差異,且中年世代顯著高於年輕世代;美濃地區不同世代客家族群之整體飲食行為具顯著差異,且老年世代明顯較年輕世代正向;美濃地區客家族群在客家飲食文化認知在世代與背景變項交互作用上,不同世代與教育程度、家庭主業、家庭人口數及家庭型態等變項間具顯著差異;美濃地區客家族群在飲食行為在世代與背景變項交互作用上,不同世代與與各背景變項皆無顯著差異;美濃地區不同世代客家族群的「客家飲食文化認知」及「飲食行為」間具顯著正相關,顯示美濃地區客家族群對客家飲食文化認知得分愈高,飲食行為也較正向。 |
英文摘要 | The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between different generations and Hakka dietary culture in the Meinung area. The subjects are part of theHakka ethnic group with Hakka consanguinity, above 12 years old, in Meinung Township, Kaohsiung County. The questionnaire survey is employed in this study is based on convenience sampling. 400 surveys were given out and 398 surveys were returned, of which 133 surveys were from the younger generation, 212 were middle-aged people, and 53 were from the elderly. The questionnaire data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and two-way ANOVA. The analysis results concluded as follows: There are significant differences in cognitions of Hakka dietary culture among different generations in the Meinung area. The cognition level of the middle-aged generation is obviously higher than the young generation. There are significant differences in eating patterns among different generations in the Meinung area. The elderly generation is more positive than the younger generation. There are significant differences in cognition of Hakka dietary culture among different generations and educational level, family career, family size and family type. There is no significant difference in eating pattern among different generations and background variables. The cognition of Hakka dietary culture has a positive relationship with eating patterns among different generations. It shows that the Hakka ethnic group with the higher degree of cognition of Hakka dietary culture will have a more positive eating pattern. |
起訖頁 | 139-183 |
關鍵詞 | 客家飲食文化 、客家 、世代 、飲食認知 、飲食行為 、Hakka dietary culture 、Hakka 、generation 、dietary recognition 、eating pattern |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 201011 (3期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
該期刊 上一篇
| 公立國民小學家長對學校滿意度之動態研究:以一所國民小學為例 |