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作者 | 黃秀雯 |
中文摘要 | 本文透過教學日誌、省思札記,以及研究伙伴等方式,檢視個人在大專院校第一次兼任藝術概論通識課的教學角色、信念與態度,分析自己在教學中所面臨的挑戰與掙扎,期望能累積教學經驗,加強專業能力,提昇教學自信與教學專業。自我記錄教學實踐過程,發現做為大學新手兼任教師,教學挑戰與困境主要來自於教學經驗不足,而透過教學省思循環的方式,雖然可以不斷思索與自我反問,但教學經驗是教學省思的開端,因此也直接影響著教學省思的論點與深入性。此外,文中也從藝術課程、學生學習態度、師生互動以及藝術的定位四個面向,來重新認識自己與解構自己在教學上的信念與行為。教學專業需要透過經驗循環省思的歷程,將理論內化為行動,所以教學的機會與經驗是非常重要的,因此建議高等教育機構在培養博士生的同時,也能提供其更多教學經驗養成的場域,培訓未來的大學教師。 |
英文摘要 | Through examining my personal teaching files, teaching reflection notes and suggestions from research partners, this article explores the challenges and struggles that I have encountered in my first time as an adjunct lecturer. The article also analyzes my teaching role, belief, and attitude to enhance personal teaching confidence and teaching expertise. Self-reflection on teaching allows a teacher to examine one's teaching process in depth. However, during the process of teaching practice as an adjunct lecturer, I found that my teaching challenges and struggles basically arose from a lack of teaching experience, which is the foundation of teaching reflection. Thus, teaching experience influences the issues of teaching reflection.This study focuses on four aspects on the arts curriculum, students' learning attitudes, interaction between teacher and students, and the position of arts, in order to re-recognize myself and deconstruct personal teaching beliefs and behavior. Finally, teaching especially depends on the accumulation of teaching experiences and constant personal reflection. Hence, this article suggests that higher education institutes could provide more teaching and learning opportunities for future teachers. |
起訖頁 | 057-099 |
關鍵詞 | 教學省思 、教學專業能力 、通識教育 、藝術概論 、Teaching Reflection 、Teaching Expertise 、General Education 、Introduction to Art |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 201011 (3期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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