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並列篇名 | Relationship Satisfaction as a Mediator of Violent Behaviors and Relationship Commitment of Intimate Partners in Marriageable Ages |
作者 | 蘇盈瑜、朱惠瓊 |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在探討適婚男女之親密關係暴力行為現況,以及了解其關係滿意度對親密關係暴力行為與關係承諾的中介效果。本研究親密暴力的方式包括「嚴重暴力」、「輕微暴力」、「性與親密暴力」和「口語暴力」。以504位適婚男女為研究對象,以「親密關係暴力行為量表」、「關係滿意度量表」與「關係承諾量表」為研究工具,採用描述性統計、Pearson積差相關與多元逐步迴歸等統計分析研究假設。研究結果如下:約56.5%的研究參與者曾經歷過親密關係暴力行為;約37.3%的研究參與者同時為暴力行為的施暴者與受暴者。適婚男女的關係滿意度與關係承諾具有顯著正相關(r = .624)。適婚男女的親密關係暴力行為與關係滿意度(r = -.24)、親密關係暴力行為與關係承諾具有顯著負相關 (r = -.29)。「口語暴力」和「性親密暴力」兩變項對於關係承諾具有8.5%的解釋變異量,顯示「口語暴力」和「性與親密暴力」與關係承諾之間具有負相關 。最後,關係滿意度在施暴之親密關係暴力行為與關係承諾間具有部分中介效果(β = -.163);關係滿意度在受暴之親密關係暴力行為與關係承諾間亦具有部分中介效果(β = -.109)。研究結論,建議以長期縱貫性研究與質性研究瞭解個人經驗隨時間之變化與其心路歷程,增加「社會期望」量表以瞭解研究參與者填答之真實性,瞭解暴力行為發動者與個人使用暴力行為之原因。在實務工作上,建議可以發展更具彈性與合適的互動方式與行為,透過早期介入即時處遇,最後是減少愛情關係中的暴力行為,以有效的方法溝通與表達。
英文摘要 | This study was designed to explore the violent behavior between intimate partners in age for marriage and understood whether the romantic relationship satisfaction functioned as a mediator which was affected by the intimate partner violent behavior and the commitment of a romantic relationship between intimate partners. The definition of intimate violence in the study was meant that unmarried and married men and women in their intimate relationships are subjected to intimate partner violence or violence against intimate partners, and that violent patterns include "serious violence", "minor violence", "sexual and intimate violence" and "verbal violence". Romantic relationship satisfaction of this study was defined as the satisfaction of an individual with the intimate relationship in which he or she was located. And romantic relationship satisfaction, it should be from the subjective point of view of the individual to understand the cognition, behavior and feeling of the individual in the relationship. Therefore, the relationship commitment in this study is defined as an individual’s willingness to love the person and to maintain a long-term relationship with his or her partner in an intimate relationship. This study recruited 504 intimate partners in marriageable age as research subjects. Among them were 385 (76.4%) females w and 119(23.6%) males. The average age of the participants was 32.9 years with a standard deviation of 3.20 years, the average romantic relationship duration was 37.22 months, the median duration of the relationship was 22.00 months. They were asked to fill a set of questionnaires, including Intimate Partner Violent Behaviors Scale, Relationship Satisfaction Scale, and Relationship Commitment Scale. We analyzed the data by using descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. The results were as follows: First, about 56.5% of the participants experienced intimate partner violent behaviors. About 37.3% of the participants were both victims and perpetrators in violent behaviors. Second, the data showed that there was a positive correlation between relationship satisfaction and relationship commitment (r = .624). Third, there was a negative correlation between intimate partner violent behaviors and relationship satisfaction (r = -.24) and between intimate partner violent behaviors and relationship commitment (r = -.29). At last, the two variants of "oral violence" and "sexual and intimate violence" jointly explained 8.5% of the variance in relationship commitments, supporting the negative relationship between "oral violence", "sexual and intimate violence" and the commitment of relationship. In conclusion, relationship satisfaction had a function as a partial mediator in intimate partner violent behaviors and relationship commitment (β = -.163 vs β = -.109.) It meant that intimate intimacy violence negatively affected relationship satisfaction, which in turn partially affects relationship commitment, reducing the individual’s willingness to maintain long-term relationships. There are some recommendations for future research. First, long-term longitudinal and qualitative research should be used to understand the changes in mental process and personal experience. Second, the social expectation variable can be used to value the accuracy of research subjects’ answer. Lastly, it is important to find out the cause of violent behaviors and the reason for the individual to engage in violent behavior. In clinical work, practitioners could develop and practice more flexible and appropriate interaction and behavior, offer intervention earlier to reduce violence in romantic relationships, and help individuals in romantic relationship develop effective communication skills.
起訖頁 | 037-072 |
關鍵詞 | 適婚男女、親密關係暴力、關係承諾、關係滿意度、Intimate partner in marriageable age、intimate partner violence、relationship commitment、relationship satisfaction |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 202101 (60期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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