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校園同志諮商輔導 FOSTER專業知能模式之建構研究
並列篇名 | Research on the Construction of the FOSTER Model of the Professional Counseling Competencies for LGBT in School |
作者 | 莊瑞君 |
中文摘要 | 基於對青少年同志族群的心理健康之關注,本研究目的在建構校園同志諮商輔導專業知能之內涵。研究採用半結構式的深度訪談,邀請三種身分的研究參與者,包括同志學生、諮商輔導專業人員與督導,共計40位研究參與者,透過三種不同視角,依據紮根理論形成同志的性傾向友善諮商專業知能之大樹模式,簡稱FOSTER專業知能模式(Friendly and Open for Sexual orientation to the Tree Ecosystem Raise competency model),大樹模式的內涵包括:(1)樹根:象徵根源與核心,專業知能的態度,個別服務為肯認性傾向與覺察自我價值觀、系統處遇為拓展場域的動能與真誠一致的態度、公共倡導為社會責任的覺察與認同人權與發聲的價值。(2)樹幹:象徵支撐與傳達,專業知能的知識,個別服務為多元性傾向觀點與性別論述能力、系統處遇為脈絡處境知識與系統的影響評估、公共倡導為性別相關法律與異性戀霸權論述。(3)樹枝:象徵外展與延伸,專業知能的技能,個別服務為落實主體性的認同與傳遞性傾向平等價值、系統處遇為創造對話空間的能力與資源運用與連結能力。(4)樹葉:象徵綻放與茂盛,專業知能的行動,公共倡導為參與同志活動倡議、促進體制政策改變、公開出櫃成為楷模。(5)養分:象徵滋養來源,專業知能的資源,來源為課程、研習、督導與參與組織、方式為自我覺察與見證他人經驗。因應研究發現,本研究提出建議做為相關研究與培訓之依循方針。
英文摘要 | Based on the concern for the mental health of LGBT, the purpose of the research is to construct a model of professional counseling competencies for working with LGBT in school. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 students, 10 professional counselors and 10 clinical supervisors. These participants co-constructed the tree model of professional counseling competencies from different perspectives based on grounded theory. The tree model is referred to as the Friendly and Open for Sexual orientation to the Tree Ecosystem Raise (FOSTER) competency model. The FOSTER model consisted of five aspects. These five aspects are the root, the trunk, the branches, the leaves and the nutrients. Each of these five aspects includes three levels: individual services, system services, and public advocacy. The first aspect is the root, symbolizing the roots and core of the tree, which reflects counselor’s attitude. At individual service level, it is recommended that counselors should affirm and identify the sexual orientation of clients and be aware of their own values. At system service level, it is recommended that counselors should have sincere and consistent attitude, as well as the motivation and energy to expand the field of service. At public advocacy level, it is recommended that counselors should be aware of their own social responsibility and agree with the value of speaking out for human rights and equality. The second aspect is the trunk, which symbolizes the support and communication of the trees and reflects counselor’s knowledge of viewpoints of sexual orientation and gender discourse ability. At individual service level, it is recommended that counselors should embrace the concept and perspectives of diverse sexual orientation and engage in gender discourse. At system service level, it is recommended that counselors should know the backgrounds of clients and counselors have the ability to assess the systematic impact on clients. At public advocacy level, it is recommended that counselors should be familiar with gender equality laws and the relevant discourse of heterosexual hegemony. The third aspect is the branches, which symbolize the outreach and extension of the trees and reflects counselor’s skills. At individual service level, it is recommended that counselors are required to assist the clients in exploring their own subjective identity and promote the values that all sexual orientations are equal in the counseling process. At system service level, it is recommended that counselors should have the ability to create a dialogue space with the client, and counselors must have the ability to use resources and connect resources for clients. The fourth aspect is the leaves, which symbolize the bloom and dense of the trees and reflect counselor’s actions. At public advocacy level, it is recommended that counselors should participate in LGBT-related activities, and counselors should have the agency to promote government system and policy changes and make this change beneficial to the situation of LGBT. Furthermore, if the counselors identify themselves as LGBT, they can come out to clients and become the clients’ role model in their future life. The fifth aspect is the source of nutrients provided to trees, which symbolize supervision and training and reflects counselor’s resources. The nourishment source of nutrients in the FOSTER model includes courses, training, supervision and participation in LGBT-related organizations. The nourishment methods of nutrients in the FOSTER model include self-awareness of counselors and witnessing the life experience of LGBT students or friends. Finally, implications for research and counselor training are discussed.
起訖頁 | 073-108 |
關鍵詞 | FOSTER專業知能模式、同志、社會正義、專業諮商輔導知能、FOSTER model、LGBT、professional counseling competencies、social justice |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 202101 (60期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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