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並列篇名 | A Study on the Attribution of Success or Failure toward Major Life Events among College Students in Taiwan |
作者 | 蔡明昌、曾素秋 |
中文摘要 | 「成敗歸因」係指個體對本身成功或失敗的原因所提出的見解,對於生命教育與學校輔導工作具有重要的意義。自1970年代以來,Weiner所發展的成敗歸因理論及後續的一系列研究,累積了許多豐富的成果,但其內涵中並未包含我國傳統的命運相關概念,因此在解釋個體生命中重大事件的成敗經驗時恐有所不足。基於此,本研究以大學生為研究對象,透過成敗歸因理論及傳統命運觀點的探討,歸納出國人對生命中重大事件成敗歸因的本土化基本架構,藉以發展適用於國內大學生的成敗歸因測量工具,並以分層多階段抽樣法抽取1,222名大學生進行成敗歸因的調查。研究結果顯示,本研究對成敗歸因理論及傳統命運觀點歸納所得,增加「可理解性」的向度,所發展的大學生對生命重大事件成敗歸因量表,包括六項分量表,各分量表中包含順、逆境二個向度,具有良好的信、效度;我國大學生對於生命重大事件的成敗歸因,仍以努力及能力因素的歸因為主;大學生對生命重大事件歸因與事件的順、逆境二者間具有顯著的交互作用存在;大學生在六項歸因因素的得分與五項生命事件二者之間具有顯著的交互作用存在;宗教信仰因素與大學生的成敗歸因之間有顯著的關係;最後,研究者就研究結果對學校生命教育與輔導工作的啟示進行論述。
英文摘要 | Attribution of success or failure’ refers to the personal understanding of causes of success or failure. For life education and school counseling, attribution of success or failure has important implications. Across the lifespan, an individual often experiences many successes and failures. When individual encountering the similar situations, behavioral tendency will depend on his attributional interpretation of prior success or failure experience. Attribution of success or failure is the phenomenal causality rather than the true cause. But the influence of the phenomenal causality is more important than the real cause. Therefore, if students can be guided to appropriate attribution of their own success or failure, it can help them form a positive outlook on life, which could be helpful in meaning of life education and counseling. Weiner’s attribution theory of success or failure and research in this area have provided rich results since 1970’s. However, the indigenous concepts of fate have not been incorporated in this theory context. It would be not enough to explain the experience of success or failure toward major life events. There are limited empirical studies that combine the theory of success and failure attribution with the traditional concept of destiny. If we can combine the two, we should have a more complete understanding of the psychological status of students, which will be more conducive to education and counseling. Based on this, the purposes of this study were to (a) develop a research scale for the attribution of success or failure of college students in Taiwan; and (b) understand the current situation of college students’ attribution of the success or failure toward major life events. Based on the findings, the researcher discusses the implications of this study on school education and counseling. The present study included college students as participants. Through the discussion of the theory of attribution and the perspective of traditional destiny, the present study summarizes the basic structure of attribution toward major life events so as to develop an instrument of attribution of success or failure for Taiwanese college students. A total of 1222 undergraduates were recruited using stratified multistage sampling to investigate the attribution of success or failure. The results of the study show that the study summarizes the theory of attribution and the perspective of traditional destiny, and increases the orientation of "understandability" to develop the "Scale of Attribution of Success and Failure Toward Major Life Events of College Student ". The scale includes six subscales. Each subscale contains two dimensions of prosperity and adversity which has good reliability and validity. The attribution of the success or failure of undergraduates toward major life events are based primarily on the attribution of effort and ability factors. There is a significant interaction between the attribution of success or failure toward major life events and dimensions of prosperity and adversity, and the interaction between the six attribution factors and five life events is also significant. There is a significant relationship between religious factors and the attribution of success or failure of college students. Finally, the researcher discusses the implications of this study on school education and counseling: (1) In the process of education and counseling, it is the primary task to promote students’ understanding of themselves in order to set reasonable goals for all major events in life; (2) To guide students to think about their own way of life when faced with the dilemma of doing their best but still failing; (3) In order to prevent students from forming a fatalistic outlook on life, students should be trained to do their best.
起訖頁 | 001-036 |
關鍵詞 | 大學生、生命教育、成敗歸因、量表、學校輔導、Attribution of success or failure、life education、scale、school counseling、undergraduate |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 202101 (60期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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