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並列篇名 | The Influence of the Link Between Pedagogy Theory and Practice in Preservice Teachers’ Teaching Case Reflection Sheets |
作者 | 劉唯玉 |
中文摘要 | 本研究以大學二、三年級37位師資生為研究對象,探討在教學原理課程,讓師資生將自己的教學事件寫成教學案例,並以上課所學之教學方法,反思自己的教學案例如何影響師資生理論與實務的連結情形。研究發現,教學案例反思單可幫助師資生以課堂所學學理理論,回顧自身經歷的教學案例,連結理論與實務。於課後,有56人次(意即38%人次)理論與實務的連結達到第2層次:將教學事件與相關理論概念或個人經驗做正確的連結;有34人次(意即23%人次)理論與實務的連結達到第3層次:能用精確的教育專業術語並考慮脈絡說明理由。然而,教學案例反思單對於教學經驗有限,僅有模糊記憶的師資生較難發揮理論與實際連結的作用。本研究同時發現,教學案例反思單的其他功能,以及教學案例反思單之應用與後續研究建議。 |
英文摘要 | This study took sophomore and junior university preservice teachers as the research object. In the first class of a principles of teaching course, the researcher taught preservice teachers to record teaching events in teaching cases, and asked them to reflect on their teaching cases through the lens of pedagogy theory, which they learned in the class, to promote the link between pedagogy theory and practice among preservice teachers. The study found that teaching case reflection sheets can help preservice teachers to link theory and practice in their teaching methods. The results showed that after class, 38% preservice, teachers reached the second level in linking pedagogy theory and practice: Making the correct connection between teaching events and related theoretical concepts or personal experiences; 23% preservice, teachers reached the third level in linking pedagogy theory and practice: Using precise educational terminology and considering the context to explain. However, teaching case reflection sheets are more difficult for preservice teachers with limited teaching experience and fuzzy memories; these teachers had difficulty linking theory and practice. This study also identified other functions of the teaching case reflection sheet. Suggestions are provided for further application and follow-up research. |
起訖頁 | 111-141 |
關鍵詞 | 反思單、師資生、教學案例、理論與實務、reflection sheet、preservice teacher、teaching case、theory and practice |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202011 (22期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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