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並列篇名 | A Study on Teacher-Parent Emotional Distance Between Single Mothers Who Are Newly Arrived Immigrants and Elementary School Teachers |
作者 | 陳惠雪 |
中文摘要 | 隨著新住民單親的比例升高,本研究旨在從新住民單親母親的視角,以Hargreaves的情緒距離為架構,探討新住民單親母親和教師互動時,雙方的情緒傳達與情緒脈絡,知覺彼此的社會文化、教師專業、教育理念、家長參與權和互動介面,使得親師互動可能呈現親密的或疏離的情緒距離,並藉此一窺新住民、單親、無援的社會資本弱勢,是否讓她們在子女教養之路走得更為坎坷。研究者採質性研究方式,深入訪談兩位新住民單親母親,與曾擔任其子女的低中高年段三位導師。研究發現:新住民單親母親的文化背景差異,使得親師互動間社會文化距離微妙;她們肯定教師專業、認同教師教學理念、關心子女行為態度,拉近親師互動的道德情緒距離;具備多元文化素養的教師可縮短親師間專業情緒距離;親師互動的政治情緒距離顯露出越南與臺灣的文化差異;聯絡簿簽名是最基本的互動,藉此縮短親師間物理情緒距離。建議若教師能具備多元文化素養,更積極為新住民單親家庭建立教育網路,將有助於積累其文化與社會資本。 |
英文摘要 | With the increasing number of single mothers who are newly arrived immigrants (NAIs) in Taiwan, this study intends to portray teacher-parent emotional distance from the point of view of these parents. Based on Hargreaves’ framework of emotion distance, the patterns of closeness and distance in teacher-parent interactions are described in the attempt to determine if immigrants, single parenting, and poverty make it more difficult for single mothers who are NAIs to educate their children. Adopting approach, we selected two single mothers who are NAIs as well as three teachers of their children. Research finding revealed the following: owing to the cultural difference of new immigrants, sociocultural backgrounds affected the emotional distance between teachers and parents; single mothers who are NAIs who view ‘teachers as experts’ have close teacher-parent professional distance; the educational beliefs of newly arrived, female single parent immigrants who care about their children give teachers positive emotions towards them; the political distance reveals the culture differences between Taiwan and Vietnam; the communication book is a basic and direct method of teacher-parent interaction that shortens physical distance. Finally, this article suggests that teachers be more dedicated to offering more educational support to single mothers who are NAIs so as to raise their social and cultural capital. |
起訖頁 | 071-107 |
關鍵詞 | 情緒距離、新住民單親母親、親師互動、emotional distance、newly arrived female single-parent immigrants、teacher-parent interaction |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202011 (22期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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