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並列篇名 | The Effectiveness of Peer Model Approach in Ideological and Political Education: A Survey of Students from Nine Universities in Hangzhou |
作者 | 許占魯、任少波 |
英文摘要 | College students are easily influenced by their peer groups. In a society featured by diversification of value orientations and individual characteristics, peer model education is still an effective and important approach in ideological and political education. The effect is closely related with the process in peer model education. From the perspective of the relationship between the process of education and the effect of education, the authors conduct a questionnaire survey among 1064 college students in Hangzhou. It is found that the factors concerning the process of college peer model education have significant positive influences on the factors concerning the educational effect, with levels of influence varied between different aspects of educational process. Meanwhile, the propaganda media exerts great influences on the effectiveness of peer model approach in ideological and political education. In particular, new media deserves special attention. The study puts forward suggestions from the following three perspectives: attaching importance to the process effectiveness of peer education, combining explicit and implicit propaganda methods, and improving the tracking and evaluation system of educational outcomes. |
起訖頁 | 049-054 |
關鍵詞 | 高校、朋辈榜样、过程有效性、结果有效性、College、Peer Model、Process Effectiveness、Outcome Effectiveness |
刊名 | 復旦教育論壇 |
期數 | 201607 (14:4期) |
出版單位 | 復旦大學 |
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