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並列篇名 | The Tree without Root: Exploring the Life Narratives of Intimate Homicide from Cultural Perspectives |
作者 | 邱獻輝、葉光輝 |
中文摘要 | 本研究想要澄清「平時沒有肢體暴力傾向卻突發嚴重親密暴力(殺死伴侶)」的心理機制;此類罪犯過去在親密暴力分類上並沒有適當的界定,加上探究個體的心理內涵宜有文化考量,故本研究擬從多元文化諮商觀點出發,進行親密暴力殺人者的生命敘說探究。本研究遵循建構主義研究典範,邀請一位無前科、平時無親密暴力、獄中適應良好、然其卻在殺死妻兒後自殺未遂的罪犯參與,進行敘說研究資料的搜集;在資料分析過程中,邀請四位相關領域的研究者擔任協同分析者,以實踐建構主義的知識共構精神。本研究根據訪談逐字稿、判決書、社工訪談紀錄、個性特徵量表施測結果等文本,從文化觀點會同協同分析者進行分析,共整理出四個範疇:「困頓中茁壯的生命毅力」、「山雨欲來風滿樓:殺妻的脈絡」、「男性角色負擔:殺妻的相關信念」、「掙脫過去遠眺未來」。本研究並從親密暴力者的分類架構、性別角色負擔、華人雙元文化等角度進行討論。 |
英文摘要 | This research was designed to probe the psychological mechanisms of a suddenly serious violence crimi¬nal (intimate homicide) but with no regular inclination towards physical violence. This kind of crime did not have a suitable category in intimate violence typologies and there were no considerations of cultural influence and cultural change in past litevatuves. The study tried to explore the life narratives of a male who committed intimate homicide from a multicultural counseling perspective. The inquiry followed a constructivism paradigm. A criminal was invited as an interviewee who had no crime record, no intimate violent characteristics, behaved well in jail, but he killed his wife, sons, and then tried to committed sui¬cide. During the data analysis, four graduate students were recruited to co-analyze. The texts included transcripts of interview recordings, written verdicts, records made by social workers, and the result of Chinese Personality Disorders Inventory. The results presented 4 themes, namely: (1) life willpower in difficult situations; (2) the context of intimate homicide; (3) the beliefs related to intimate homicide; and (4) escape from the past and look forward to the future. Results were discussed and suggestions were made from the perspectives of intimate typology, gender role, and Chinese bi-culture phenomena. |
起訖頁 | 089-123 |
關鍵詞 | 多元文化諮商、建構主義研究典範、敘說研究、殺人、親密暴力、constructivism、homicide、intimate partner violence、multi-cultural counseling、narrative |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201310 (37期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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| 優勢中心取向生涯諮商歷程與改變經驗之敘事研究 |