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並列篇名 | The Analysis of Mourning Experiences in Traditional Funeral Rituals: from Death to Encoffining Ceremony |
作者 | 洪雅琴 |
中文摘要 | 本文藉由研究者的主位研究資料,揭露2001年歲暮之際,台灣中部鄉鎮地區某喪親家庭從親人往生到入殮過程中,在傳統喪葬儀式過程中所經歷的社會文化歷程與個人哀悼經驗。研究採民族誌方法,以參與觀察為主,輔以半結構式的深度訪談。研究結果顯示傳統喪葬儀式蘊含了悲傷哀悼與文化療癒功能,具體內涵包括:(1)儀式和程序協助家屬確認並接受親人死亡的事實;(2)儀式抑制了家屬個別性的哀悼情緒,但也催化了集體悲悼情緒的宣洩;(3)傳統喪葬儀式建置了悲悼療癒的空間;(4)治喪事宜使家屬獲得親友的實質照顧與心理支持;(5)家屬在儀式中經歷其與逝去親人關係的轉化與再連結;(6)華人家庭呈現出避談生死、恐懼死亡的態度。 |
英文摘要 | The researcher applied the emic approach to examine social and cultural processes of traditional funeral rituals and mourning experiences of a family living in the central Taiwanese rural area. Ethnography was adopted in this research. Participant observation was the major method and semi-structured in-depth in¬terviews were conducted. The result showed that traditional funeral rituals contain functions of mourning and cultural healing. The concrete connotations of these functions were addressed as follows: (1) these rituals and procedure help bereaved family confirm and accept the fact of death; (2) rituals suppress the family members’ individual emotion and facilitate the expressing of collective emotions; (3) traditional funeral rituals establish a space for grief healing; (4) these rituals enable the bereaved family to obtain substantial care and psychological support from family relatives; (5) the bereaved family experiences the transition and reconnection of relationship with the dead family member; and (6) the bereaved family re¬flects the attitude of reluctance of discussing death and fear of death. |
起訖頁 | 055-088 |
關鍵詞 | 民族誌、哀悼、喪親家庭、傳統喪葬儀式、bereaved families、ethnography、mourning、traditional funeral rituals |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201310 (37期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
該期刊 上一篇
| 儒家文化中的倫理療癒 |
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| 失根的大樹:從文化觀點探究親密暴力殺人者的生命敘說 |