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並列篇名 | Case Study of the Hierarch Model of Teacher Decision Making |
作者 | 卢锋、徐晓东 |
中文摘要 | 课堂教学是不确定情境下的复杂过程,教师如何应对教学的不确定性涉及教师教学决策的研究。教学决策是教师最基本的教学技能。本研究综述了教师教学决策研究的发展脉络,并对教学决策模式进行了简要述评。本研究期望构建一个更具有可操作性的教师教学决策模式,从而提出促进教师教学决策能力提高的策略和方案。根据这一研究目的,本研究以一位熟手型小学教师为个案研究对象,通过课堂观察、访谈和刺激回忆等方式收集与个案教师教学决策有关的教学前、教学中和教学后的资料。本研究应用扎根理论研究方法整理和分析资料,进行开放性译码、主轴译码和选择性译码。研究发现:个案教师的教学决策机制具有多样性和层次性;个案教师的教学决策体现为常规、案例和教学机智三种机制;教师知识是影响个案教师教学决策的重要因素。本研究中提到的教学决策层次模式指当课堂教学中教学决策的任务环境的复杂程度不同时,教师在教学决策中所反映的决策机制也不同,根据任务环境的复杂程度由低到高分别表现为常规、案例和教学机智。最后本研究根据教学决策层次模式提出了促进教师教学决策能力提高的策略。 |
英文摘要 | Teaching is a complex process due to the many interwoven and uncertain factors interwoven. The study on teacher’s decision making focuses on how a teacher deals with these uncertain factors. Decision making is the basic activity for a teacher. In this paper, we review the development and the model of teacher’s decision making. and construct a more practical model of teacher decision making, with specific strategies to help promote teachers’ decisionmaking skills. Researchers conducted a case study by choosing an experienced primary school teacher, collecting qualitative data of classroom observation, interviews, simulated recall interviews before, during and after teaching. This study used grounded theory in data analysis and developed the following model and conclusions. First, the teacher’s decision making mechanisms are various and hierarchical. Second, the mechanisms of teacher’s decision making are exemplified by routines, cases and the improvisational wisdom of teaching. Third, teacher knowledge is the most important factor determining r decision making. Fourth, this study constructed a hierarchical model of teacher decision making. This model suggests that when teacher encounters different task context, she will adopt different decision making mechanisms, which may be routines, cases and improvisational wisdom representing various complexity from low to high level in line with the complexity of the target context. Finally, based on the model, the study suggested strategies to help improve the ability of teacher’s decision making. |
起訖頁 | 93-101 |
關鍵詞 | 教师教学决策、常规、案例、教学机智、教师知识、teacher decision making、routine、case、the tact of teaching、teacher knowledge |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201304 (19:2期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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