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並列篇名 | Characteristics Depiction of the Distance Learning Course Team Growth and Benefit Analysis: Course Team of 'Human Physiology' for Example |
作者 | 赵婷婷、尹志英 |
中文摘要 | 本研究从远程教学课程团队的内涵出发,以《人体生理学》课程教学团队为例,定量刻画团队现状特征及成长轨迹,并基于课程受益率、实考率、及格率等指标分析团队运行对教师成长及教学质量的影响,剖析远程教学课程团队建设发展的问题及提出建议。研究结果表明:1)团队成员集中于30-49 岁的教师群体;硕士及以上学历者占40. 74%;副教授及以上职称者比例超过半数;团队成员平均负责5 门课;校外聘请的兼职教师以高水平的专家学者为主;团队成员能够辐射到的教师群体总数达81 人;2)2009-2010 年和2010-2011 年两个时段内的省(市)成员规模变化强度均为正值,说明团队在两个时段内省(市)成员数量均为增长态势;3)团队成员的平均课程受益率为0. 61,产生外溢效益波及到58 门次其它课程;3 年间参与团队活动的省(市)实考率上升显著,而非团队省(市)下降明显;学生考试及格率稳中有升,达到80%以上,高于非团队省(市)的78. 36%。 |
英文摘要 | This study quantitatively explores the characteristics of team teaching in distance education and its growth trajectory. In addition, this study analyzes the effects of course team operation on instructor development and teaching qualities, from the benefit rate, actual test rate, student success rate, and suggests ways for better team teaching. . ?Study findings show that: 1) Ages of the team members are from 30 to 49. About 40. 74% of the members have masters’ and doctoral degrees; and more than half of the team members were associate professors and professors. Each team member is responsible for an average of five courses; most of the part-time extramural members are experts in the field. 2) The change intensity of the quantity and members quantity in the several provinces were both positive in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 periods, which suggests an increasing trend. 3) The average course benefit rate of the team
members is 0. 61, the sweep efficiency benefited 58 extra courses; the actual test rate of team member provinces rose significantly, and others declined obviously. Meanwhile, the student success rate of team member provinces also had a steady increase, from 78. 36% to 80% . |
起訖頁 | 85-92 |
關鍵詞 | 远程教学课程团队、成长特征、效益、distance learning course team、growth characteristics、depiction、benefit |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201304 (19:2期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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