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並列篇名 | Students' Attitude Towards Computer-Assisted Feedback Strategies in Online Technology Education |
作者 | 孫瑞芳 |
中文摘要 | 本研究调查了计算机辅助反馈策略对大学技术教育课程的影响。具体来说,研究探讨了计算机辅助反馈策略"对错反馈"(Knowledge of Responses,简称KCOR) 和"正确答案反馈"(Knowledge of Correct Re-sponses,简称KCR)的有效性,并与"无反馈"(No Feedback)的学生的学习态度进行了比较。三组学生被分配到三个条件之一:KOR,KCR和NR(对照组)。通过四个星期的基于网络的教学实验,研究者获得学习者对计算机辅助反馈教学系略的态度。结果表明,学生对三种反馈显示出相同的态度。计算机辅助反馈策略可能是促进学习的可行的选择。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigates the effects of computer-assisted feedback strategies used by university students in a technology education curriculum. Specifically, the study examines the effectiveness of the computer-assisted feedback strategy " knowledge of response" (KOR), and the " knowledge of correct responses" (KCR) strategy, and compared them with " no feedback" on students' learning attitude in technology education. Three intact classes were assigned to one of three conditions: KOR, KCR, or no feedback (control group). The dependent measure consisted of a 24-item attitudinal survey. Learning attitude data on online feedback strategy were obtained through the " Web-based" surveys during a fourweek period of " Web-based" instruction. Results showed that using computer-assisted feedback of KOR or KCR or no feedback in online instruction lead to same attitude. Fingdings suggest that technology education instruction with computer-assisted feedback strategies could be a viable option for learning in a favorable direction. |
起訖頁 | 062-069 |
關鍵詞 | 计算机辅助反馈、学习态度、网络学习、computer-assisted feedback、learning attitude、online learning |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201208 (18:4期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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