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並列篇名 | The Study on Constitutionality of the Graduation Threshold of English Proficiency: A Critical Analysis of the Taiwan Highest Administrative Court Judgment No. 107-Pan-488 |
作者 | 許育典、鍾佩芸 |
中文摘要 | 大學英語畢業門檻在我國多數大學行之有年,近年因國立政治大學學生提起爭訟,最高行政法院做成107年度判字第488號判決而引起各界廣泛的討論。本文探討大學英語畢業門檻的爭議,首先參考我國大學世界排名與國內辦學績效,分析我國22所大學的英語畢業門檻設計,並將之分為「先檢定後補救」、「修畢英語課程並通過檢定」、「修畢英語課程,通過檢定可免修」及「修畢英語課程」四類,在爬梳大學自治、學習自由、學術自由等相關理論後,從大學生作為學術自由所保障的權利主體出發,由大學生所追求之專業學術本質的角度檢驗大學生的學習自由是否受到侵犯,再就形式及實質上分別進行英語畢業門檻的合憲性探討,並評析最高行政法院判決。最後,從校外英語檢定所需之能力內涵與所有大學系所之專業知識能力是否相符的角度切入,分別判斷此四類英語畢業門檻設置是否合憲。 |
英文摘要 | The graduation threshold of English proficiency in the Taiwan Universities has been established for several years. However, according to the Taiwan Highest Administrative Court Judgment No. 107-Pan-488 lawsuit filed by students from National Chengchi University, several discussions were made in our society regarding the legitimacy of the English Proficiency’s graduation threshold. Thus, this research aims to further discuss the controversies by analyzing 22 Taiwan Universities’ English proficiency’s graduation threshold in reference/accordance to the universities’ world rankings and performances in Taiwan. The analysis shall be divided into 4 categories: “English proficiency test and remedial courses,” “Completing the English courses and passing the English proficiency test,” “Passing English proficiency test and being exempt from the English courses,” and “Completing the English courses.” With the following theories of “University Autonomy,” “Freedom of Learning,” and “Academic Freedom,” it shares its perspective to further understand the constitutionality of the graduation threshold of English proficiency and analyze the judgement from the Taiwan Highest Administrative Court. |
起訖頁 | 071-097 |
關鍵詞 | 大學英語畢業門檻、大學自治、學習自由、學術自由、the graduation threshold of English、university autonomy、the freedom of learning、academic freedom |
刊名 | 教育政策論壇 |
期數 | 202302 (26:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所 |
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