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並列篇名 | The Exploration of Impact Factors of Technological Instructional Professional Attitudes for Female Preschool Teachers |
作者 | 陳儒晰、張義雄、王亦玲 |
中文摘要 | 本研究聚焦女性幼兒教師應用行動科技從事科技使用、教保專業與社群互動的思考內容及影響關係,探究行動科技所內嵌或外鑲之性別科技圖像對其科技使用和社群實踐性別平等教保專業活動之態度模型。研究者自編「性別科技教學專業態度問卷」,內容涵蓋「性別科技意識」、「專業發展熱情」、「行動科技易用」、「行動專業社群」與「行動教學素養」等五個構面,並運用偏最小平方法分析女性幼兒教師對應用行動科技進行專業發展社群與行動教學活動的性別科技意識和教學素養之思考意向。本研究以臺灣北部地區幼兒教師為研究對象,共發出600份問卷,實際回收有效問卷數為492份,有效問卷比例占樣本數82%。研究結果指出女性幼兒教師行動教學素養受到行動科技易用與行動專業社群態度的影響,且行動科技易用與行動專業社群態度亦受到專業發展熱情的影響,性別科技意識亦形塑專業發展熱情之思考意向。未來可在此基礎上擴展行動科技對幼兒教保活動的性別平等教學專業實踐,賦權女性幼兒教師在專業社群互動連結的專業發聲和增能實踐,以建構性別平等教學之實踐角色。 |
英文摘要 | This study explored female preschool teachers’ application of mobile technology to engage in technological access, educare profession, and community interaction, focusing on how the three could be studied and how they were interrelated. The researcher investigated the model of female preschool teachers’ attitudes toward gendered technology on the embedded or external development in the applications of mobile technology between access and community-based professional gender equity activities. The questionnaire “Gendered Technological Instructions and Professional Attitudes” was developed, which consisted of five factors, including gendered technology ideology, passion for professional development, perception of ease of using mobile technology, perception of mobile professional community, and mobile instructional literacy. The sample data was analyzed through partial least squares analysis to investigate the influencing factors of the use of mobile technology and the integration of professional activities, and the study linked the discourses of gendered technology and the analysis of the applications of mobile technology. Female preschool teachers in northern Taiwan were chosen as the survey population. A total of 600 copies of the questionnaire were sent out. The number of valid returned copies was 492 (with a valid return rate of 82%). Statistical tests indicated that female preschool teachers’ attitudes toward mobile instructional literacy were influenced by their perceptions of ease of using mobile technology and mobile professional community, which, in turn, were influenced by their passion for professional development. Female preschool teachers’ gendered technology ideology also interacted with their passion for professional development. Finally, implications and possible outgrowths of this study were discussed. |
起訖頁 | 153-185 |
關鍵詞 | 女性幼兒教師、科技教學、專業態度、female preschool teachers、technological instructions、professional attitudes |
刊名 | 教育政策論壇 |
期數 | 202111 (24:4期) |
出版單位 | 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所 |
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